Monday, July 22, 2024

Sometimes You Just Need A Buddy 7/22/2024

 Good Morning,

A hot cup of Door County Inn Keepers Blend Coffee is waiting for me after I finish writing. It is time to write.

Titus 2:7 ESV Show yourself on all respects to be a model of good works and in your teaching, show integrity and dignity. 

Yesterday I went to watch my nephew Nick and his Springer Spaniel Waylon  being tested as to Waylon's capabilities in retrieving a bird on the land and the water. Waylon was great during the first half and in the second half he missed the mark on the water. I knew my nephew was disappointed, but I have to tell you that I believe a dog knows when they screw up. The little spaniel had his tail between his legs and was looking a little sad. 

My friends, life is one big competition and whether we want to or not, we are all asked to perform our tasks at a champions level. We go into each day expecting to do well in the battle of life and at the end of the day, we find that our helmet has been kicked, our ears are sore from the chewing out we took, and our shield has dents in it from fighting off the blows life gives us. 

Every now and then, we need for a friend, buddy, relative or mentor to come along, place our helmet back on top of our head and slap us on the back and say, Next time buddy! Let's go for a burger. I was pulling for that nephew of mine and my furry buddy. As much as they both were disappointed I can honestly say that those two can hunt with me anytime. Some dog owners and dogs dream of doing what they did yesterday. Those two can say, they did it. It's easy to tear someone down. It's even easier to build someone up by just being there, caring and encouraging them to keep going. 

Have a great day. Be an encourager and win a few battles today.


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