Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sometimes You Have To Drop The Bible To Live It 7/17/2024

 Good Morning,

The word early does not describe my day. I just poured a hot cup of Door County Sunrise Coffee and it is time to write.

Matthew 18:10 See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For I tell you that in heaven, their angels always see the face of my Father who is in heaven.

No one will ever say that I am the greatest at being around children. I always have an unapproachable look on my face and I really don't know what to say to little kids. 

Let's go back to yesterday. It was a long day that included some dental/mouth work in the morning. I left the dentist's office after she took care of the small emergency I was experiencing. Needles to say that my jaw was quite tender and sore after that. My wife Rene was getting some warranty work done on her car and when my phone rang and it was her I knew things were not going to go my way. The repairs was going to take longer than she expected. Rene had an appointment to drive a lady from our church to a few of her appointments. I realized right then and there my day was expendable. I met her at the dealership and stayed in their comfortable lobby with the plan on reading my Bible for a couple of hours, waiting on the repairs to be finished  and then going home. Rene took my truck and went about her tasks for the day. It started out to be that way and my eyes were getting heavy with sleep. I was the only one in the waiting area and the chairs were comfortable. At that time my mouth was still numb but the anesthetic was wearing off. 

I woke up when I heard two little children asking their mother for some snacks. My peaceful retreat had been invaded by a two year old, a four year old and a fresh baby of about 6 months. The waiting area became the play room and the peace and quiet was gone. Out came the toys, juice boxes and chips. I continued to read my Bible but did remember my manners and I said good morning to the young mother. She was having a hard time with the 6 month old who wanted to cry, eat and poop at the same time. The four year old was trying to play quietly and her two year old brother was not leaving her alone. Mom would have to remind the two to behave and be quiet. All of a sudden a small but soft imitation basketball hit me right in the Bible and then my glasses. Junior's eyes bulged with terror as he knew he might have crossed a line of no return. Mom apologized in about 5 different languages and junior was really quiet. It was time for this old dude to spring into action. A man can read a Bible all day and unless you put action to the verses it's pretty much useless effort. 

So now you are wondering if I scolded the little boy or threatened to spank him. No! Mr, Unapproachable remembered what it was like to be a boy. He did not want to color in a book, or read choo choo train books. He wanted to stack the tables on each other and touch the ceiling. I took the ball and we played catch for a few minutes. I am not sure who's attention span was shorter his or mine. Mom treated me to a juice box and I taught the little dude how to drink through his nose. Mom rolled her eyes in disgust but was happy for the quiet. Next we used grapes for me to try and throw into his mouth. Oh my, what a circus we had. Mom and I exchanged pleasantries and were on a first name basis by the end of the day. Little sister and the baby both took a nap. One napped on mom and the other fell asleep in her chair. Not the "Little Rascal" We eventually did read the little train book. But we read it while both of us were making train noises. Mom motioned to me to look at Junior and he was sound asleep on a strangers lap. It wasn't too long before both of our vehicles were repaired and I helped her carry the two sleepy older ones to their van. She chuckled about me not getting too much reading in from my Bible. 

"You didn't get to read your Bible much." I replied "no Mam ,but better yet, I lived it". I asked if I could pray for her and the family and she said yes to that. I said a simple prayer for provisions and health. We parted and went in two different directions. 

What's more important, how many verses you can memorize, or how many times you read the entire Bible? Or how many times you live out the verses found within.  Trust me, I did not want to be bothered yesterday, especially by noisy kids. But how many times do you get to help someone that really needs it? Unfortunately we miss the mark many times. I actually thought about walking to a hardware store and a few other shops in the area to have peace of mind and atmosphere. I am glad I decided to stay.  The peace of mind I had last night before going to bed was priceless.

Don't just read it. Try to live it.  


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