Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Glad To Be Here With You 7/31/2024

 Good Morning,

This day began with prayer and a hot cup of Door County Inn Keepers Blend Coffee and it is time to write. 

Psalm 145:5 ESV On the glorious splendor of your majesty, and on your wondrous works, I will meditate. 

My journey through life has always been sweeter when I share moments of happiness, joy and sorrow with someone. My wife Rene and I were able to take some time away in June to experience some of the beauty in the Western United States. What I saw was better because I experienced it with my wife. I have experienced many sunrises on the water while duck hunting and everyone of them was always better when I was with my closest friends and relatives. 

There also is a quiet time when you have your breath taken away by something God said to you in prayer or Scripture and you just want to share it. 

Matthew 18:20 ESV For where  two or three are gathered in my name, there I am among them. 

There is that moment when you crack open the insulated bottle of coffee on a frigid morning in the goose blind and you can share it with close friends. 

There is that moment when you get to see your grandbaby for the first time. It makes you go back to that day when his mother was born. 

A moment when you are asked to pull the car over so your wife can take in one last look of the mountains she has wanted to see for years. The smile on her face was worth the long drive that day. You share the same view of God's splendor.

That one moment when you are watching someone you love and you know that soon they will be walking into heaven. You look around at the sorrowful faces and you are breathless to say anything. But you share that rough moment with others and you are glad they are there with you. 

What goes a long way is to let those who share these moments with you, by telling them  that you are happy you were able to share that moment with them. Tell them that you are glad they are there with you. 

Food for thought. 


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