Friday, July 19, 2024

It's Hard To Be Fussy, When It Is Beautiful 7/19/2024

 Good Morning, 

My day began with prayer and a hot cup of Door County Jamaican Me Crazy Coffee. 

Song Of Songs 2:11-13 NIRV  Look!  The winter is past. The rains are over and gone. 12. Flowers are appearing on the earth. The season for singing has come. The cooing of doves is heard in our land. 13. The fig trees are producing their early fruit. The flowers on the vines are giving off their sweet smell. 

Very early in the spring I planted some flower bulbs to surprise my wife. I did not tell her where and what I planted. I just told her to expect a surprise. The package of bulbs that I purchased were supposed to be lavender and blue in color. These bulbs took for ever to pop through the ground and then they were slow to grow. Once they did start to grow, they grew tall and did not show the possibility to ever produce flowers. Just within the last two days they have started to bloom and to my surprise not one of them so far is even close to lavender or blue in color. 

Now even this grumpy old man enjoys a cup of coffee in the garden while the morning is yet fully established. I can appreciate the hard work my wife Rene puts into her flowers. I can also appreciate and be thankful for the beauty in another of God's creations. It's hard to be fussy about beauty. We should be thankful for the way God uses creation to paint a picture for our day. I also appreciate the sunrise with a little thin ice on the water and my duck decoys bobbing, floating, and working to attract some game to my spread. 

My point is this. It isn't too difficult to find something beautiful to set the table of your mind and establish your thoughts for the day. Even in the midst of turmoil, the sun rises and sets and paints the sky. My prayer is that if you are reading this and your life is full of sadness and turmoil, you can find something beautiful to see, and observe. Let God etch the picture He created in your mind. 

Have a peaceful day. God Bless,


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