Sunday, June 30, 2024

A Night Of Prayer 6/30/2024

 Good Morning,

My mug was just filled with very hot Door County Irish Cream Coffee on this fine morning, and it is time to share my thoughts. 

Matthew 18:20 KJV Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there I am in the midst of them. 

Last night after our weekly Saturday night church service several of us gathered to pray. We do this once a month and the length of time spent praying varies. We don't set a time limit on how long we will pray together. We let the Holy Spirit guide us as to who or what we are praying for. Some how we just know when to end the sweet hour or two of prayer. The group shares prayer requests and whoever wants to pray aloud goes ahead as led by the Holy Spirit. 

This little band of warriors at first, doesn't look like much to the eye. But if I were in a spiritual battle I would want them at my side. They don't know the word retreat, and fear of the world is not found within them. I wish there were more people like these who faithfully gather to seriously pray and intercede for many people and their causes. 

I for one leave the prayer gathering fulfilled and content every time. What and who is prayed for is kept confidential as it should be. Many people will never know that on a Saturday evening a small band of people prayed for them. Very often someone in the group requests prayer for people I don't even know. But no prayer request has ever gone without someone praying over it. 

Give me a small group of prayer warriors who are willing to pray regularly and I will show you truly holy ground. I consider it a blessing, and an honor to gather with these battle hardened warriors. Last night heaven came down and it's glory filled my soul.

As the world turns each day and wars abound, elections are on the horizon and sickness still is flourishing, we need more and more prayer. I for one know where I will be on the last Saturday of July. Who knows, if you are reading this you might be one of many who are or were prayed for.

God bless,


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