Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Potpourri I Think? 7/23/2024

 Good Morning,

This day began with prayer and a large mug of Door County Jamaican Blue Mountain Blend Coffee (extra strong).

Psalm 127:1 Unless, the Lord builds the house those who build it labor in vain. 

Sometimes I just have these very random thoughts that I blurt out to my wife Rene. They come from out of the blue and sometimes are said just to get a response from her. Last night as I was studying and enjoy some sweet peach iced tea I looked around the house and said this to her.

When we built this house back in 1994 we were looking to the house to carry a country theme. She agreed to that thought. As I surveyed the my surroundings I said to her. "This really isn't country, it's more like a museum of antiques, and our personalities all mixed in together. We have a potpourri house!" 

Rene laughed and told me to go and rest. She said that she felt like my brain needed a rest and that I must have really taxed it during the day. Later she agreed that I was right and that we have a home without a steady decoration plan. But here it comes. " We are more than a home that has a visual plan to it. It does change with the seasons, and it reflects our interests and our history together. We are surrounded my mementos and moments of our lives individually and together. There is so much about both of us and there are so many dimensions to our lives that some people will never see or know. "

She went on. "What I hope people do see is this. Our potpourri lives are knit together by God and love. And the mementos and moments are a reflection of that. When I see the fire place lit in the fall I also see the man behind the axe that split the wood and how God provides us always with free wood. Others see the books on the mantel. Give me potpourri styling any day!"

My thought for the day is this. If it makes sense to you, it is decorated perfectly. If the house is filled with love and is welcoming to others than the scent of your life is a special potpourri. It is called "Blessed"



  1. I miss the Scripture, l love you but I miss the Scripture.

    1. Sometimes I compose these writings way too early in the morning. I can't believe I missed that! Old age???
