Monday, July 8, 2024

A Team Is Needed 7/8/2024

 Good Morning,

Monday it is and I will be on the road very soon with a hot cup of Jingle Bell Java in my truck. I have plenty of chores to do today to keep this old boy busy. 

I received a call yesterday letting me know that one of the guys in our church was enlisted to help out one of the ladies who also attends our church. His chore is to assemble a garden green house for her. He sent me the 21 pages of blueprints  and on the second page it was said that this monstrosity is best assembled with two -three people. 

Right then and there I stopped in my tracks and said "we need a team of guys if we are to have any hope of completing this task." I for one looked at the prints and truly believe that who ever designed this thing is on drugs and overdoses all the time. I prayed for qualified help and God provided.

Jeremiah 33:3 Call out to me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things that you do not know. 

So I made a couple of calls and did not promise a team of guys, but assured the Good Samaritan that I was in for helping him out. I did not want to have this man "stand alone". I took the liberty of calling a couple of other guys who agreed to lend a hand. There is one other guy who I might reach out to. He is the king of Legos, even at his ripe age. This crazy green house assembly reminds me of an intense Lego diagram. We know that any six year old can assemble a Lego challenge. But we are not six years old. 

Don't go thinking "what a nice bunch of guys." They are nice, but the greenhouse for this lady had one great guy agree to help her. He made a call and our ultimate goal is to make sure this fella knows he has brothers who will help him out. Not that we don't do nice things for people at our church, but our goal is to rescue this fella if possible, from the green house abyss.  He is more important to us than a basket of tomatoes and cucumbers. A team is needed and God provided one. 

Stay tuned to see how this turns out.

Have a great day, 


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