Monday, July 15, 2024

Ideally You Fall In Love Again Day After Day 7/15/2024

 Good Morning,

The Door County Jamaican Blue Mountain Blend Coffee just finished brewing and I have a hot cup next to me as I write. 

Proverbs 5:18 Let your fountain be blessed and rejoice in the wife of your youth. 

I made the coffee a wee bit stronger today as possessing solid sleep has been escaping me for a couple of weeks. But no need to whine about it. This too shall pass. 

My wife and I have been married for over a thousand years according to her and I have finally discovered what marriage is all about. 

Go back to the days when you found each other and at first there was infatuation . Each date or encounter with each other, you learned something new about one another. I for one was always looking forward to that next date. For me, falling in love was easy. 

Throughout the years we have mile markers of when we enjoyed a vacation, built a home, celebrated holidays welcomed a grandson in to the family. There are so many good times and happy smiles. Then there are the markers of love that you also have. The loss of parents, siblings, loss of jobs, personal health issues, putting a dog or two down to be kind and loving. You have markers of good times and bad times. 

But then you realize that the bad times were made easier because you weathered them together and took on the challenges they brought with a partnership of love. And then the body begins to change, the hair turns silver or worse yet you can't find it anymore. 

We are in a heat wave right now. I hope the photo makes you feel cooler. 

The point to my message is this for today. Each day spent with someone you love allows you to still date and look forward to new life markers. But better yet, you can fall in love and have that same feeling of anticipation and excitement each day. When you look across the breakfast table you can greet the day with that person who made your heart happier and gave you a reason to want to share the rest of your life with them. Treat each day as an opportunity to fall in love all over again. It is a gift from God.

Have a great day!


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