Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Sometimes You Just Need A Laugh 7/30/2024

 Good Morning,

I sure am ready for my first cup of Door County Heroes Blend Coffee and it is time to write. 

Job 8:21 ESV He will yet fill your mouth with laughter and your lips with shouting. 

I like where we live and we have some very nice neighbors. I believe good neighbors are a blessing from God. Life has been what I call a little "Heavy" these days. It has been tough at times to be positive and encouraging. On Sunday our neighbor to the South  invited the two of us and one other neighbor over for a cook out and swimming if we desired. This neighbor, "Donna" extended the invitation to join her and some members of her family in a friendly get together. Our neighbor to the North joined us as well. The four of us attend church together weekly. It is not unusual for the four of us to be heard laughing about something. Now and then Donna will help us by letting our dogs outside when we are tied up with something. We in turn do the same for her. 

Psalm 118:24 This is the day the Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it. 

Donna takes care of her two dogs and is so faithful in doing so. Her dogs as well as our two could have the description of "spoiled" added to their names. 

Donna has a beautiful back yard with a very nice pool. During my time of eating some excellent smoked beef brisket, I happened to look up and see her dog Patches floating in the pool, relaxing on an inflated raft. I found myself chuckling about that scene as I went to bed last night. That dog just knows how to relax and not care what anyone else was doing. Patches knew how to enjoy the day God gave us. 

I hope the Lord blesses us with many more years of comradery, friendship and laughter. We have weathered through tough times together and are supportive when one of us four are down. But it is days filled with brisket, buns and dogs afloat that will always be cherished. "Good Neighbors" are a gift from God. 

God bless,


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