Friday, July 5, 2024

The Fishing Hole And The Kids 7/5/2024

 Good Morning,

My cup of Door County Mistletoe Mocha Coffee is very hot and is much needed today. The weather is damp and rainy so the coffee is meeting the challenge of the weather just perfectly.

Ecclesiastes 7:10 Say not, "Why were the former days better than these'? For it is not from wisdom that you ask this.

In a dense part of the forest in Upper Michigan lies a little lake that is very close to my heart. My parents lived very close to that lake. My dad would take us and our kids there to have the fishing experience of a life time. You could catch one fish after another and the action was fast and fun. I watched our daughter, my nephews, and my grandson, enjoy those outings and I can just hear them laughing and then counting how many fish had come into the boat. They would keep count as to what they caught to see who had the bragging rights for the day. 

We would pair up and have a little competition on Fathers Day to see who was the top team for the year. I still believe one nephew of mine tried to sabotage his brother and me. Someone unpacked our tackle boxes from the truck and left us with two lures and two hooks and about four night crawlers and said,    "Too bad for you guys, I guess we know who wins this year." Big surprise! We out fished that little crapper, his dad and my dad and we rubbed it in all weekend and we still do!

My point is this. We haven't been back there since my dad passed away. And the last time I tried the old trails to the lake were grown over and almost impossible to get through. It would be a chore and a half to walk in. My dad used to keep the trails open for us. Without any attention they just grew wild and pretty much useless. 

It's like our hearts and God. Without daily attention by reading His word and a good time spent in prayer, our hearts grow cluttered with other things and soon we have a heart that doesn't beat for others as it should. We find the pathway to our Bibles cluttered with life's obstacles. 

I know my two nephews and my brother will be reading this. I know that their minds will wander back to those days at the fishing hole. I hope my nephew feels bad that his brother and I are still the champs! 

Friends, don't stay away from that Bible and prayer so long that it is hard to find your way back to it. Don't say "those were the good old days". Keep the trail to your heart open and functional.

God bless, and take those kids fishing. 


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