Thursday, July 18, 2024

A Cavern To Live In? 7/18/2024

 Good Morning,

My mug was graced with the presence of some hot Door County Sunrise Roast Coffee and it is time to write.

Proverbs 4:23 ESV Keep your heart with a vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life. 

Our nation has been in the grip of some very hot weather. Records have been broken in many states. We also had some hotter than normal area where we live. People were taking day trips to the lakes and swimming pools to cool off. Last night the humidity and heat broke in our area and once more windows were opened and the AC turned off. It was a great feeling to feel a cool, slight breeze coming through the windows.

A couple of years ago we spent some vacation time in the state of Virginia. During our stay we toured the caverns of Virginia in the Shenandoah Valley. What a surprise to go from the hot air upside of the caverns to the cool damp atmosphere inside. The caverns really never see daylight and the temperatures don't really rise that much with the seasons. Cool and damp they are and that way they shall stay. 

My point for today is this. Who would want to live in a cavern, away from people where it is always cool and damp? Not me. I then ask this, who would want to have a heart that never changes emotions and is cool, dark, and damp toward others? 

When we have a soft heart, warm intentions, and are gracious to others, it brings with it happiness and a spirit of peace. 

If you are lonely, miserable and see nothing beyond the cold damp walls of your heart, it is time to bring some sun into your heart. A heart that stays inside a cavern made up of stone really never beats. A heart that beats for others beats best. When your heart beats for others it makes you want to get out and visit a life that is bright, warm and caring. 

Food for thought.


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