Thursday, August 1, 2024

A Cold Drink On A Hot Day 8/1/2024

 Good Morning,

Once again I am at my desk, with a cup of Door County Inn Keepers Blend Coffee to help me reduce the fog in my brain. 

Proverbs 11:25 NKJV The generous soul will be made rich, and He who waters will also be watered Himself.

We have been experiencing some very hot weather with extreme humidity. It's that kind of weather that has you sweating within minutes of going outside. But life must go on despite the weather. Yesterday while doing some lawn chores I had worked up quite a sweat. My wife walked outside and handed me a glass of very cold Sweet Peach Tea. I could tell by her demeanor that drinking the tea in the shade was not an option. She fully intended on giving the tea to me and for me to take a break and enjoy it. 

Within minutes our mail delivery person pulled up to our mail box. I asked him of he would like a cold drink to accompany him on his delivery route. I do the same thing when it is very cold outside with a warm drink. Usually he says no thank you to any beverages, smiles and then he leaves. Yesterday he accepted a cold bottle of water. First time ever!

Sometimes we have to use common sense. If it is hot for you then it is hot for others. If you are cold, others are probably cold. Not everyone has a cold or hot beverage stored in an insulated bottle.

 In turn we must exercise accepting a common sense offer and enjoy a comforting beverage or other kindness with a smile and a thank you. It is your job to make sure you are taking care of yourself and If God sends someone to you with a drink on a hot day, enjoy the gift and thank Him for letting people be a blessing to others. God knows it is hot or cold out there and if He sends a nicety out there via neighborly care, don't be so proud as to not accept it. God knows what you need and He also knows that some folks just like to be a blessing to others.

Keep the kindness going. 


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