Monday, September 30, 2024

Time To Think Can Be Hard To Find 9/30/2024

 Good Morning,

My Thermos bottle was filled with Door County Cherry Creme Coffee and in a few minutes I will be driving to one of my spots to duck hunt. 

James 1:19 So then, my beloved Brethren, Let every man be slow to speak and quick to listen.


This world runs at a rapid pace and I don't think anyone will disagree with me. We often run into situations that require an answer most rapidly. Critical decisions are rushed way too often. Now can you imagine a high pressure situation and everyone is looking to you for some type of answer, and then you ask for time to think it over or worse yet, you say this, "I need a day to pray about this." 

Can you imagine asking your girl friend to marry you and she says "I will let you know in a day or two if I will or I won't." Some of the biggest decisions of our lives never have time taken for us to pray and seek God for the answer. 

These are two situations that definitely need prayer before answering. 

In all things, if you can, take time to pray before giving an answer on anything. Too many regrets could have been avoided by waiting. Food for thought. 


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