Saturday, September 21, 2024

Just A Little, Goes A Long Way 9/21/2024

 Good Morning,

I am on my way to meet a friend in Horicon Wisconsin. We are taking a boat ride to scout out our potential duck hunting spot. We plan on getting out there very early on the day we hunt. So we need to know where we are going in the dark. My thermos is filled with Door County Caramel Apple Coffee and the day has a  lot of promise to it.

Psalm 141:2 Let my prayer be counted as incense before you and the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice. 

My friend has the Cadillac of all duck boats. It is sturdy and fast. I have traveled in his boat several times and I always enjoy a fun and safe ride. The trek to Horicon has been kind to us and I for one always enjoy it. Before we leave the shore, we always take a moment to pray for safety and for all the mechanicals of the boat to work properly. Just a little prayer which includes praying for our sleeping families as well, is part of our launching routine.

Many years ago, I sunk a boat while duck hunting. It was a cold November day. Those who know me well asked me if I forgot to pray that day before we hunted. I still look them in the eye and my answer surprises them. "No I did not forget to pray." They will say in a funny way. "Maybe you should have prayed longer". I reply. "My prayers were answered. I made it home that day with my partner. We didn't drown. We learned a few things about surviving in the cold water and weather and just how much gear is too much."

Just a little prayer goes a long long way. 


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