Friday, September 13, 2024

Amazing Night Amazing Memories 9/13/2024

 Good Morning,

It is a beautiful morning and that always makes for the start of a great day. I will help this day get started with a cup of Door County Caramel Apple Coffee. It is one of my favorite flavors. 

Proverbs 15:13 A glad heart makes a cheerful face. 

Last night I was able to attend a retirement celebration for a friend who I worked with for twelve years until my career path took me on a different path. I was very happy when I heard of her retirement and that they remembered to invite me to the celebration. The event was well attended and of course there were so many people that I saw for the first time since 2014, it was hard to leave. 

On the ride home my mind once again took me back to my interactions with the members of the "old gang". We worked hard and we enjoyed the job. We accomplished a lot together. There were updates on some who weren't there and they were missed.  I have heard and used the expression "It's not the job that keeps me here, it is the people." Never was there a more true statement. As I was making my way home, I recalled that I really never complained about going to work back then. I was paid well for what I did and I enjoyed the challenges. But most of all it was the people I worked who made it easy to go to work. As a sit at the desk this morning I am smiling upon the 12 years I spent with those friends and team mates. 

My prayer for all of you is to enjoy the folks you work with. Be a person who brings a smile to faces when  you interact with them.  Some day, things will change and before you know it the days are just memories. For me, they are sweet memories. Those team members still have me smiling. 

God bless,


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