Tuesday, September 24, 2024

A Beautiful Reflection. 9/24/2024

 Good Morning,

I started this day trying out a new Door County Coffee flavor. Espresso Martini is steaming in the cup next to me so I will give it a try.

My parents lived in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan for many years. Both have passed on from this life. One thing that I miss about their home on the lake is the view from the dining room. No matter what the time of year the view was always beautiful. The time of the year that gave me the best feeling was the reflection on the water from the other side of the lake. The best time to see that view was in the fall. It was some of God's best artistry on display. It was especially nice if there wasn't a ripple on the water. My mother once said to me that she was going to start charging me a dollar one day because I had three cups of coffee while taking in the view. That view in person just made the coffee taste better and any bad mood you were experiencing just disappear. 

1 Corinthians 15:49 ESV Just as we have borne the image of the man of dust, we shall also bear the image of the man of heaven. 

There are those people who when the come into a room just make things feel better. They are a refection of what is within their heart. They approach you with a smile and and they have a calming effect on the situations around them. I know several people who have the gift of reflecting the love they have within their hearts for God. The view they give the world to see is one that makes you want to be around them. They are positive when they are surrounded by woes, and they greet heartaches with no fear or bitterness. Their outer appearance is never shaken by the winds of life and what you see on the outside is what is on the inside. 

Today is your face and demeanor reflecting some of the storms gathered in your heart? Have  another cup of coffee, open your Bible and dine on the Word of God. The Word can often change the heart of a man in turmoil and paint a new refection on the face the world sees. 


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