Monday, September 2, 2024

September Crept Up On Me 9/2/2024

 Good Morning,

A hot cup of Door County Cherry Creme Coffee is sitting next to me and I plan on enjoying it right to the last drop. 

Last June I fully retired from work. For some reason I thought time would pass by slower. I was so wrong that it is not funny. I look at my calendar and I don't see a lot of days with nothing to do. In all that busyness, some how September arrived and I am not really ready for it. As I look ahead into the whole month I see many many calendar entries already and the month just began. 

In America today we are on Holiday, celebrating the worker. This is Labor Day. As I look back, I entered the work force when I was in 7th grade. By 8th grade I had gotten into some trouble and now had to pay for my mistakes. I was already in debt and hadn't reached high school. I worked hard to pay that off and I am proud to say that the hard work had me out of debt by September 1st that same year. 

I have never regretted going to work. I have many fond memories of the people I have worked with and worked for. Many of the people I worked with helped to shape me morally and keep me regimented, In good times and bad times I always had work of some kind to keep us afloat and living comfortably. 

So my thought for the day is this. I am grateful for the "worker" no matter their skill set or vocation. Without many of them life wouldn't be so nice for me and you. So as you interface with someone who is performing a service for pay, be kind and appreciate the fact that they are doing something for your benefit. Say thank you and remember to salute yourself for the hours you have worked. 

God bless. 


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