Thursday, September 5, 2024

God Expects Us To Be Useful 9/5/2024

 Good Morning,

This morning has caught me off guard a little bit. The coffee had not brewed automatically because someone forgot to turn the timer on. The Door County Sunrise Roast still tastes good, it just wasn't on time.

I stand on and believe in creation vs any other idea of how the world was made and populated. Although there have been times that I could swear in evolution. I have interacted with a few people who I believe may have evolved from swamp goo and left their brain in the muck. 

That was kind of mean to say but when I get my coffee too late, I am not exceptionally approachable. 

When we see just how intricate the human body is we can't help but know that God created us and we are a wonder of the world. My wife Rene, collects old antique dishes and they sit on a shelf, just looking pretty. As long as she is alive those dishes will never be used to eat from or hold any coffee. 

That is not the same with humanity. We are not created to be shelf sitters. Each person has different gifts and we are to use those gifts in a way that benefits us and those around us. 

Isaiah 64:8 NIV Yet you Lord, are our father. We are the clay and you are the potter, we all are the work of your hand. 

1 Peter 4:10 ESV As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace. 

So friends, be useful for the good of others. Let your life bear witness to Who made you. 


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