Sunday, September 1, 2024

Even The Best Have A Bad Day Now And Then 9/1/2024

 Good Morning,

I am headed out very early once again to be with our youngest dog Leo and participate in a sanctioned hunt test. My coffee today is Door County Maple and it will be my co pilot for our trek. 

Yesterday Leo ran in day one of a two day event. His first day ended in a failure in the first event. He was done for the day. The weather was hot and the fields were laden with pollen. It was a tough day for any dog, My hat is off to those who successfully completed the first event. 

Proverbs 12:25 Anxiety weighs down the heart, but a kind word cheers it up. 

Leo gave it everything he had. He normally is tops in the field and has never experienced failure in any event until yesterday. I was shocked when I knew he was not going to complete the tasks in the first event. When he was called in from the field, we cooled him down in the water. As long as I live I will never forget the look on his face when he was soaking in a tub of cool water. He was looking for me to say something. He knew he was not successful and I felt terrible for him. I walked him back to the parking area and his head was down and I just started speaking to him in happy tones. This reassured him that I was proud of the all out effort he gave and that I was still proud of him.

Point for the day. We all have a bad day now and then. Things go wrong despite our best efforts. Maybe a spouse loses a job even thought he or she works very hard. Maybe a child does not make the cut for the football team or cheer leading squad. As long as they gave it their best effort, you are in a place to become their support through this rough time. How will you perform in bringing them back from depression or embarrassment? 

Food for thought!


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