Sunday, September 29, 2024

First Comes First 9/29/2024

 Good Morning,

Once again my desk chair is way too comfortable and the Door County Bourbon Pecan Pie Coffee has me glued to the seat. eventually I will get moving this morning.

Matthew 6:33 But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added to you. 

The seasons change and I always look forward to the fall. Watching the changes to the leaves and seeing the gardens slowly going into rest mode has always been an attraction for me. Add some hunting to the mix and you have a recipe for happiness. 

I have some chores that need to be done and its hard to overlook the lawn that somehow came back to life. I could easily get caught up in the mystique of the fall, but I still have social responsibilities to take care of. For me, and always first is to maintain my relationship with God and continue serving Him while I partake in some hunting. To let my yard run amuck and not keeping up our property would show very little respect for our neighbors. I also need to and want to maintain family time. There is a wedding in our family coming up and I blocked out time to spend with my loved ones. Hunting can wait another week as it should. God, Family, And I am Third

There are things that others depend on me for and the last one I want to let down is God. Like anything else, when God becomes and option, He is really no option at all. If you walked into your church would they even know your name? Very often we become desensitized to the fact that God should and always be first. Our hobbies or work become idols to us and it doesn't just happen during hunting season or golf season. It becomes a way of life. We run to the church for baptisms, weddings and funerals because we need them. But the rest of the year becomes a hit or miss attempt at feeling "churched" .

Yesterday I hunted with a man and we both agreed that the time and location for our hunt would work out perfectly for our ability to serve and attend at church. In addition we need to keep our social responsibilities. Our word to others is our word! Our vows to God must be kept. 

God bless, your day. 



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