Wednesday, September 4, 2024

A Tolerant Wife. I Am Blessed 9/4/2024

 Good Morning,

I have a very large mug of Door County Sunrise Roast Coffee next to me and it is warming me up this morning. 

Proverbs 18:22 He who finds a wife, finds what is good and receives favor from the Lord. 

Proverbs 19:14 Houses and wealth are inherited form parents, but a prudent wife is from the Lord.

When God created my wife Rene He knew that she would need to have extra patience and to be very tolerant of her future husband and his daily grind. I am very set in my ways and can take a spotless kitchen and turn it into a disaster area in a few short minutes. I do most all of the cooking and at times I can have three different projects going on in the kitchen at the same time. Our deal that was set in stone a thousand years ago is that if I do the cooking, Rene cleans the kitchen. Now, I do try to keep the kitchen somewhat cleaned as I go, but once this whirlwind gets going, look out here comes mayhem. 

Not once has Rene complained about having to clean up. She likes the results that come from the kitchen and likes the aroma of "what's for supper". She has made a few suggestions throughout the years as to improve my process and in times of mass production she has manned the oven removing 300 biscuits from the oven once they were baked and golden brown. 

When she found out that I had volunteered to provide the 300 biscuits for a church breakfast there was a subdued smile and "maybe I should purchase two more cookie sheets to bake them on" comment. But  not one complaint. She was right there when a biscuit or two needed to be sampled with a slab of butter on it. Rene has always been there to be my taste tester! 

My point for the day is this and it is for the guys. Despite what we think of ourselves we are not perfect. There are flaws in all of us. And if you have a wife who can be tolerant of all of your schemes and dreams, you are blessed. Also, listen for hints. These hints are clues to happiness. I have been drying apples for a couple of days and yesterday Rene said to me. "I will bet that some of those apples would make some great pie." That comment threw me a pitch that even this old goof could hit. Tonight I will be baking a pie for my clean up crew and all will be well in the house. The clue is to listen and take the hint and make it happen. 

Have a great day and guys be grateful and take a hint. 


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