Sunday, September 8, 2024

Just A Little Hunting Today 9/8/2024

 Good Morning,

I am enjoying a hot cup of Door County Pumpkin Spice Coffee. I sure do enjoy this cool weather we are having. Coffee and cool weather are like toast and jelly. They go together and are a compliment to each other.

In a few minutes I will be jumping into my truck and driving to meet a few friends for a dove hunt. My equipment was packed yesterday. All I need to do is pour some coffee into an insulated bottle, grab my shot gun and dog and I will be there right on time. 

I emphasize being on time. There are times when things happen that might cause a person to be late for an appointment. Then, there are those who are habitually late for every thing. Those who are on time and ready to go have a decision to make. Do you wait for Mr. Or Miss Tardy? Or do you go ahead and start without them? The on time folks endure the choice they need to make just because someone is always late. I am a forgiving type of guy, and I will say again. Things happen and it could cause you to be late. But to be late the greater portion of the time is rude and does not embolden your life resume. 

James 4:17 ESV So whoever knows the right thing to do and does not do it, for him it is sin.

Food for thought!


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