Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Apples In A Box 9/3/2024

 Good Morning,

September is here and that means I will be drinking some of the Door County Coffee Company fall flavors. Today my cup is filled with Autumn Spice. 

Proverbs 11:25 ESV Whoever brings blessing will be enriched and one who waters will himself be watered. 

Yesterday we celebrated my wife's side of the family with our annual family picnic. Some could not join us this year and they were missed. Since I do the cooking for Rene and I and the picnic is held at our home, the family is subject to my type of food. The smoker was started the day before and pork loin was heavily smoked. Then the morning of, at 3am I started smoking a turkey. The side dishes were the easiest to do and a lot of what we served contained tomatoes, and such from our garden. 

Our neighbor Donna and us as well, have plenty of apples to pick and process in the next few days. Rene's brother went in back to our apple trees and picked up a bunch of apples that had fallen from our trees. He uses them to feed the deer at his home. It seems like just yesterday the trees were laden with spring blossoms. Time just seems to fly. 

My first point for the day is this. Nothing at all ever goes to waste with that family. Everything gets used to the fullest. They can find a use for everything including water melon rinds turned into pickles. 

The second lesson for today after not wasting anything is to share. Once again these old apple trees produced a large amount of apples. Donna, Rene and I have begun picking and sharing the apples. God has been good to us again. I will start once again drying apple rings to munch on as I duck hunt. I will dry enough to send to our daughter in Georgia. Friends, blessings are meant to be shared. 

So as God blesses you, bless others as well.


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