Saturday, April 6, 2024

There Is No Middle Ground 4/6/24

 Good Morning,

I just sat down with a hot cup of Door County Smores Coffee and it is time to write.

James 4:17 NKJV Therefore, to him who knows to do good, and does not do it. to him it is a sin. 

Hot or cold, left or right, front or back, yes or no, should not be hard to explain to even the youngest child, yet even  these statements allow for wiggle room. What is hot for some, might not be hot for another person. Left or right can also be altered so one could say that they are a little on the left or right. Yes and no always seems to include the word maybe. Front or back often allows for "back up a little bit."

One thing for sure that can really get mucked up is when we water down the words right and wrong. When we define good and evil, if it is good than it is not evil. If it is wrong, it is evil . 

At a young age a child is taught right from wrong.  When we accept anything less than a clear right or wrong on the behavior scale we start to see that more wrongs become tolerable and acceptable. When the pathway of righteousness and good behavior has stumbling blocks within it, we are on the road to lawlessness, and mayhem. The right choice is not a choice of three it should be either right or wrong, but not anything less than that. 

If we wonder why people choose wrong over right, it is because wrong now has options. We see this in the ability for criminals to be let go without penalties and then they commit the same crime while out on bail. 

Well that is enough of a morning rant today. Friends continue to teach the children right from wrong. Let them know that right is not made up of options. Reward the right behaviors. Correct the wrong behaviors and stick with the punishment for the crime. Once levied the, punishment should stay on course and for a period that is not shortened. Teach that following the right is not an option, it is the expectation.

Have a great day.


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