Friday, April 19, 2024

On The Road Again 4/19/2024

 Good Morning,

I was awakened by the alarm clock very early today and the day will be a busy one for sure. I will be traveling with a Thermos bottle full of Door County Churro Coffee.

Photo Credit. Wisconsin Historical Society

Philippians 2:3 Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. 

I have a tight schedule to keep and there isn't much wiggle room for error in reaching my destinations on time. I did build in a little spare time to afford some traffic issues and other things. One lesson that I learned from my parents at an early age is to be prompt and that a man is measured by his ability to be on time and to be counted on. My parents were always fifteen minutes early and you could take that to the bank. They were so regular that when others would not be on time or were habitually late it would irritate them like having a porcupine in your bed. 

Some folks like to believe that your time is their time and if they are late it is ok, because your appointment with them is not all that important. It does send a clear message of their priorities and your importance on their calendar. 

Now, things do happen now and then that are not within your control and they will cause you to be delayed or start late. In our part of the world weather can play havoc with schedules. But to awaken at the same time on the day of a snowstorm and expect to arrive to work on time is just plain old foolish. Most weather conditions are now forecasted 24 hours in advance, so planning ahead is on us to make adjustments to our travel times. 

I watch people arrive to church and walk in late and it makes me wonder "Did Sunday come as a surprise to them?" Why aren't you ready for church the night before and plan to arrive on time? 

Lack of being prompt is an illness and nothing excuses poor planning. Late now and then? That can be tolerated, but the snooze button is not an excuse.

Have a great day. Be on time! Your lateness can be a statement of your priorities.



  1. A very good message Martin, I couldn't agree more on this one, be prompt.

  2. I’m the same way. If your not early, your late
