Sunday, April 28, 2024

The Angels Were Bowling 4/28/2024

 Good Morning,

I started this day with prayer and I am enjoying a large and very hot mug of Door County Churro Coffee. It is time to write. 

I am a little tired this morning. I stayed up late last night listening to the thunder that was produced by some storms traveling through the area. The weather programs on the radio and television were warning us to be prepared to take severe weather precautions and hunker down in the basement until the threat passed. 

Proverbs 13:24  MEV He who spares the rod, hates his son, but he who loves him, disciplines him early.

We were ready to do so if needed and we stayed awake in case we had to hurry to the basement where we have a small area designated as a storm shelter. The lightening displayed last night was something to behold. And with the lightening came the thunder. I have heard stronger thunder, but what we had last night was sufficient as far as I was concerned.

I recall my sister being about three our four years old and she would be very afraid of the thunder and lightening storms would bring to us. She would just shake when the thunder would go off after a lightening strike. My mother would try to soothe her by telling her that the noise was just a bunch of angels bowling in heaven.  I didn't buy that explanation at all and actually asked my mother if she really believed that myth. My mom gave me "the look", and I knew that I had better start professing belief in  heavenly bowling or I might just be experiencing the truth in person if I didn't. I really do want to go to heaven, but I decided quickly that I did not want to go there just at that moment.

Mothers have a been born with the ability to give us "the look", which lets us know when we crossed a line that shouldn't have been crossed.  It can freeze a child right in their tracks and change behaviors in an instant. One good thing about "the look" is if you caught the signal early enough and altered your behavior it helped you avoid a not so heavenly experience with a wooden spoon. 

My point is this. Mothers continue to soothe the hearts of your little ones, and we know in your minds we are all children forever. Thank you for the discipline when we needed it. Hopefully we display the behaviors to this day that you taught us and desired for us. 

Mom, some day when I get to heaven I will tell you where I hid your wooden spoon. 


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