Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Ability To Apologize Comes From Desire To Change 4/9/2024

 Good Morning,

I am sitting comfortably at the desk and staring at a hot cup of Door County Highlander Grog Coffee and just maybe this day will be headed in the right direction.

1 Corinthians 9:27 NKJV But I discipline my body and bring it into subjection, lest, when I have preached to others, I myself should become disqualified. 

Some folks struggle with saying they are sorry for whatever they have done that is now part of an issue between them and another person. A true apology is not to be found within them. This is a sad situation. An apology is sincere and contrite. A true apology should come along with changes so that the offense is not repeated. The best test of an apology is to make changes so as not to commit the offenses again. This is often where the effort of apology goes so wrong that it isn't funny. Once a weak, without  sincerity, apology is themed and then accepted it  becomes weaker with time. The offender now over time just assumes that they will be forgiven, or believes that their behavior has become acceptable. An apology without change, just becomes a spring board to more poor behavior. This leads slowly to one having the mind of a reprobate. They see no need to apologize and often use the excuse of needing an apology from the other  party. They are justifying their poor behavior by the actions of the other party.

 The definition of reprobate as an adjective is "morally depraved, unprincipled, bad." Therefore a "reprobate mind"  is the loss of logic and morality in a persons reasoning. A reprobate mind is given over to irrational and continual pursuits of sin that are destructive to their soul and those around them.

This can be tested. Is your calendar as busy socially as it used to be? Have others learned to get along without you.? Do you need to exaggerate your circumstances to be popular or gain attention? 

This is one of the saddest messages I have ever written. 

God bless,



  1. Martin,
    This may be one of the saddest messages that you have written but, if the person who needs to see this receives it may be the most important of the messages that you have ever written. You have hit this one out of the ball park.

  2. Thank you for sharing this! Definitely hits the heart.
