Sunday, April 14, 2024

Funny How Things Change 4/14/2024

 Good Morning,

It's so nice to be sitting at my desk this morning, with a hot cup of Door County Blackberry Shortcake Coffee in front of me. I have some easy gospel music playing in the background and it is time to write. 

Just recently I have started to take some stuff off of my plate and entrusting things to others. I have been watching a young fella for years and have always thought that he should be training to take my place leading our Men's Bible Study. 

Matthew 25:21 His master said to him, "well done good and faithful servant, You have been faithful in a little, I will set you over much. enter into the joy of your Master.

I would approach him now and then and mention it to him and I would get that deer in the headlights stare and then some lip service as to how it just wasn't the right time, or his toe hurt, his cat ran away or some lame excuse would come my way. 

But just recently he found himself unemployed and has more time to prepare for leading a study. And for a short time I have been so busy or ill that I could not keep up. It was time to let loose of a responsibility or two and groom the younger generation. Well, this fella stepped up in a big way and is now leading the study. I see my wife's eyes twinkle when she hears me chatting with this young fella and we talk as peers and we pray together and I teach him a thought or two. 

Just last night we had an event after church and we have lots of leftovers that can easily be made into some super nachos. I thought it would be nice to whip them up for our next Bible Study this coming Tuesday. I contacted the new leader and asked him if it would be ok to share some munchies. Sometimes the food can be a distraction in getting the study started and I did not want to interfere with his plans. The study we are in is pretty deep and I did not know what he had planned for the night.  He supported the idea and then said that it seemed weird for me to be asking him for permission to bring some nachos to the study. I just laughed and mentioned it to my wife. 

Rene smiled and commented, "You really have turned this over to our young buddy. I am so glad that you paid him the respect that is now due to him". I still oversee the ministries I have charge of but in order for this hand off to be successful I need to not fumble the hand off. I trust in his ability to lead the study and prepare each week to do so. Eventually he will go back to work and then he will have to juggle his time to be able to lead the study, work, and be the family man that he needs to be. He will do just fine as long as his eyes are on God and he lets God balance it out for him. I give it a year before I see if he is grooming someone else to help him as I am sure this ministry will expand. 

It is good to be training the next generation, but don't forget to let go of the reigns. They don't need training wheels on that bike forever. I am proud of this guy and he will do well. 

Have a great day!


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