Tuesday, May 2, 2023

You Win Some. You Lose Some. 5/2/2023

 Good Morning, One hot cup of Door County Breakfast Blend Coffee awaits me in the kitchen after I finish writing/ Let's start the day.

1 Corinthians 9:24 Do you not know that in a race, all the runners run, but only one receives the prize. So run that you may obtain it.

My wife's mother has always entered her crafts and food goods for competition at the local county fair since 1953. Last year at the age of 95 she still entered a few craft items that she crocheted. Out of the five entries she took home three ribbons. The photo displays a few of her ribbons. I would say that this is about a third of what she had earned. 

Mom lives in an assisted living home now and her house has been sold. With every sale of a home, the items from the first owner must be removed and something has to be done with the treasures. Rene's family has been working on emptying the house that was built by their parents in 1949. Now and then they have discovered some neat finds. 

Mother has been crafting for 70 years now and she is quite talented. Over the years she has collected many prize ribbons for her handiwork. The kids found bags and bags of mother's prizes. My wife Rene took the best ones and also ironed many so the fair can use them again. She was very proud to return them. I was complimenting my mother in law on how many she had won over the years. Her reply I now quote. " I did not always take the grand prize and in some instances I did not even get a fourth place. But I always learned from the mistakes I made. The main thing is that I never quit and always tried to do my best."

I think we could learn a lesson from this soon to be 96 year old. If a project is worth doing, do your best to make it the best that it can be. If you make a mistake, learn from the mistake. Don't settle for good when great is an option. Keep trying, even when it seems impossible. Don't give up.

Have a great day. 


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