Saturday, May 6, 2023

Invest In The Faith Of Your Children 7/6/2023

 Good Morning,

The clouds brought forth some rain today and for some reason or another my desk feels more comfortable than ever. It is well paired with a hot cup of Door County Raspberry Almond Coffee. It is time to write. 

We have just a little rain falling this morning. It is just enough water to sustain the grass and plants in our yard. The flowering crab trees are just about ready to blossom. I was talking to myself a little yesterday and I said, "if is doesn't rain soon I will need to water the new grass seeds I planted last week."

It is a shame not to water things you plant and is also a waste of money. 

In our part of the world it is Saturday morning. I am not at all surprised when I say that if it is Saturday right now, as usual Sunday will follow tomorrow. ( I am being a little snarky here) There is never a better day than Saturday to plan for Sunday. Like plants, shrubs and vegetables need water to grow, we should all invest in the spiritual health and faith of our children. Many churches now have wonderful children programs that teach the principles of faith to the children on Sundays and one day during the week. It is your responsibility to get them there on time and then talk about what they learned after church. I am old school and believe the children should be in the adult church at least once a month to learn and see what worship is like and also to learn to behave. It is a shame not to water and feed the faith of  the tender hearts of a child that you brought into this world. 

So here's what to do. Lay out the kid's clothes tonight. Set your alarm 1 hour earlier than what the kids need. Plan a simple breakfast for the morning. Plan enough "get ready time" so you can leave the house and arrive to church on time for a potty stop. Teach children to be on time and show respect for those who are their to teach. Then you get into the church service on time. If you need that extra cup of coffee get up earlier! 

Show the children your love and respect for God, by making Sunday mornings a priority. Teenagers should help with the younger ones if possible and should be held accountable for waking up on time. Their phones or alarm clocks should be placed on the opposite side of their room so when they ring, that body has to get up and move to shut it off. Snooze alarms should be disabled. 

Deuteronomy 6:5-7 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road., and when you lie down and when you get up. 

Men! This is not just Moms duty. Learn to fill cereal bowls and take charge of the spiritual leadership of your home. I tell young men who are counseling with me prior to marriage that Deuteronomy 6 is the job description for a man. 

When I invest time into the vegetation growth in our yard, I see good results. Isn't your family worth more than all the apple trees you can plant? You are the same parents that worry and fret when the kids learn to cross the street. Yet some say, " I will let them find their faith and develop their own beliefs. Would you tell a six year old to find their way to school and life all on their own? 


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