Sunday, May 14, 2023

A Walk With Caution 5/15/2023

 Good Morning,

My day began with prayer and a hot cup of door County Cinnamon Hazelnut Coffee. I found my glasses and now it is time to write.

The other day, my wife Rene and I were exploring different things in Door County Wisconsin. There were two lighthouses that we had yet to see during our travels to the area. We decided that this trip would be the trip to see them and get a photo or two. One of the light houses allows you to walk out to it via a concrete walkway/pier that goes from shore out to the lighthouse. There is a sign that warns people of the concrete walk way getting slippery when wet. The waves on lake Michigan were being quite a little bit contrary and the further you walked out the wetter the concrete was getting. We went so far and Rene decided that it was about as much risk as she was going to expend and she stopped. The daredevil in me wanted to go further and I did. Then a small wave blasted against the the walk way and got my shoes a little damp. I then decided it was a good idea to heed the warnings. Better to venture out another day than to risk a disaster. The sign and the wave were enough of an omen to keep me from letting my ego and pride take over. Common sense was the rule of the day. 

Friends, there are sixty six books in the Bible and I believe in all sixty six as being the written word of God. I believe there are passages of prophecy, comfort, instruction, correction and warnings. They are within a heavy binder of love. Just as the sign on the pier was a warning to us to be careful, the Bible also holds cautionary instructions for all of us. It tells us all we need to know regarding our walk with God and at the same time how Satan wants to drown us in troubles. We would be a foolish hiker not to heed the warnings. We live life at our own risk when we navigate without God's Word. 

1 Peter 5:8 Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.

James 4;17 Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. 

Wise words for living. Have a great day.


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