Tuesday, May 23, 2023

God's Little Creatures 5/23/2023

 Good Morning,

A hot cup of Door County Pretzel Toffee Coffee is next to me this morning and it is time to write. 

I have been writing some pretty heavy handed topics lately so I want to change it up a little today and be more light hearted. 

Psalm 19:1 The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims His handiwork. 

Romans 1:20 For His invisible attributes, namely, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse. 

Photo Credit Brad Sabre

As I look out into God's creation, and in my lifetime, seen some amazing things like waterfalls, mountains, volcanoes, blizzards, great rivers and lakes I can't help but to know that God exists. I would like you to think about this also today, maybe as the sunrise warms your face or tonight as the sun goes down and turns the sky orange. Where you stand in place, there is just you. The person next to you isn't in the exact same spot as you. What you see is the view the Master painted for you, just for you. No one else sees it from that exact same angle. He knew where you would be standing or sitting and that view is yours alone. 

Now that we have established the fact that you and I are loved enough to have a seat at the Master's art studio we can move on to the next thought. It is very often that we stand in awe of the larger creations of God. I find a small bay that is just skimmed with it's first ice and me wading in it to set my duck decoys an awesome sight. But God also has placed great majesty and wonder into some of His smallest creatures. A friend of mine captured a few photos not long ago and shared them. If you are blessed to have hummingbirds near by, you can see the intricacy of God's paint brush on the view you have. We planted wild flowers that are supposed to attract hummingbirds but are rarely blessed to witness their presence. 

The main thing I want to point out today is how special you are and that God paints portraits just for you to see. You are loved and no one can take that away from you. Let your view of the art of today take your breath away as you recall that your view is yours and yours alone. 



  1. Marty,
    I think of an early morning, many years back, fishing on the Big lake off Shorewood. The sun just starting to emerge from the lake and us getting ready to land a salmon, the fish turned to make a run, the colors reflected from that fish so beautiful I'll never forget. That picture is on my mind now as I write this, we have a glorious God Who gives glorious sites.

  2. Hi Marty! Beautiful commentary and picture by Brad!
