Monday, March 21, 2022

Unable To Understand Justice 3/21/2022

 Good Morning. 

My day began with a hot cup of Door County Highlander Grog Coffee and some prayer.

I must tell you that although this blog was finalized this morning, the thoughts behind it began yesterday. In a combination of my study in the book of Proverbs and the daily news, this blog spot for this morning  made it's way  to what you will read today. So in essence, this one took two days to write. 

Proverbs 28:5 Evil men do not understand justice. But those who seek the Lord understand all. 

I was listening to the news over the last couple of days and a man was convicted of some very serious crimes and received a life sentence behind bars. There was no doubt in the minds of the jurors that this man was guilty. Yet he was indignant in court and thought his sentence was too extreme. The law called for the sentence and it bothered me that he was justifying his crime. He showed no remorse for what he had done. 

While preparing for a Men's Bible study it just so happens that my inner questions and feelings were answered. 

It is a sad thing to say but there are those who for some reason or another are fundamentally evil or wicked and simply do not understand justice. Given freedom they often choose to commit the same crimes. They cannot fathom the rules of justice and how they apply to all of us. 

I asked myself why we as people do that? It is because our minds are naturally blinded by sin and are further blinded by our own prejudices and passions and by the god of this world.(Satan) who rules in and over those committing evil.

The second thought on the why, "is that there are those who believe justice is that which benefits them, otherwise it is not justice." (Ross)

"But those who seek the Lord understand all" this is not to sound arrogant or flippant. The godly do understand justice. They seek out God in all things, fear the Lord and have His wisdom. "Many things  dark to human reasoning, are simplified by humility." (Bridges)

So my thought on this is we need to keep that relationship with  God a priority less we fall into temptation and decide that justice is not fair. A simple example is this. You are pulled over for speeding and are issued a citation, the citation demands a payment of $100. Do you pay it or try to fight it saying it's not fair, the fine is too much or do you accept being guilty and pay the consequences? 

It is easy to call someone else evil and then cloud our vision of ourselves. Be careful out there!


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