Saturday, March 12, 2022

A Nice Word Goes A Long Way 3/12/22

 Good Morning,

I have a warm fire burning in the hearth this morning as I work to warm up and wake up. A hot cup of Door County Mocha Mint Coffee is steaming next to me and it is time to write.

Numbers 6:24-26 "The Lord bless you and keep you. 25. The Lord make His face shine upon you., and be gracious to you. 26. The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace. 

As far as my blog goes my wife Rene is my biggest critic and my biggest supporter. Yesterday, as she commented on my latest morning words of inspiration she said, "how about some word on encouragement tomorrow." My wife doesn't say much and when in a circle of friends she is always the least talkative. But when she speaks, I listen. 

Proverbs 16:24 Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the bones. 

So today I want to be more medical than anything. I want everyone to look in the mirror and do a self examination. Look to see if you still have your mouth. Then open your mouth and try to speak. If words come out of your mouth, you have passed your examination and are declared fit to speak physically. Next look in the mirror and tell yourself that you are loved. If you can do that, you are mentally fit to speak to others. 

You have the equipment to speak. You know how to say something nice. So for today, work at saying affirmative, loving, encouraging and kind words to those in your home, travels and on your heart. If need be, pick up the telephone and exercise your vocal cords by affirming your love for someone. Hand out a compliment. If you decide to (and you should) to reach others with warmth and love today exercise your face as well. SMILE while being nice to others. Now, that mask wearing is becoming less and less, enjoy seeing the faces of others and smile back. Not all that long ago and I am included in this, we whined about not being able to see the full face of the people we were talking to. Now that you have the freedom to see a lot more of those faces, take advantage of it, less it be gone again. 

 I declare this day to be "Say Nice Things To One Another Day" by the authority given to me by the committee of Me, Myself and I. 

So I will start it off by saying you are loved to all of you who faithfully read my jargon, and I ask God to bless you all in a special way.


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