Friday, March 18, 2022

Pumpkin Pie In March? 3/18/2022

 Good Morning,

Friday is here and it is right on time. I am headed into a busy weekend and I am sure I will be drinking a cup of Door County Peanut Butter Crunch Coffee on Saturday. 

Just the other day when I cam home from some errands I could smell something cooking in the kitchen. Much to my surprise my wife Rene decided to bake a pumpkin pie. I am used to her baking a pie or two for Thanksgiving but not in March. It seems that we have pigeon holed pumpkin pie for November. 

I asked why we were eating November food in March and I never did get a straight answer from her. It's been a couple of days now and I haven't eaten any of the pie. I am sure it is delicious but just can't get past the pumpkin pie in March. It seems that we should be eating apple pie or cherry pie. 

I am one of those people who just doesn't like change and I adapt slowly to it. I often invoke the statement , "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!" 

Ecclesiastes 3:1 There is a time for every purpose under heaven. 

I realize that at times my stubbornness often does me harm and it would be best to roll with a change now and then instead of coming up with 1000 reasons why the change is a bad idea. 

Sometimes, even if it does not make any sense to change, but a change can occur and not cause any harm, the change just might be the thing that makes someone else happy. Last night I even served up some pie for Rene after dinner. I was hoping and praying that she would return her biological calendar back to spring and forget about pumpkin pie until November. But as I watched her eat  her dessert and she was content and happy, I knew that saying anything about pumpkin pie in March just wasn't the hill to die on.

So I conceded to this. It made her happy. It caused no harm. So who am I to rob her of a little comfort.? 

It's just one of those things that just shouldn't matter! This sounds funny to all of you. But when you think about it,  don't we all tend to make a big deal out of things and give them more attention than they deserve?  This type of behavior and wanting to have the last word often takes a small change and blows it up into a battle. And the world could use a few less battles in it. 

God bless,


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