Tuesday, March 29, 2022

The Slap That Was Heard Around The World. 3/29/2022

 Good Morning,

Tuesday it is and it has the makings for a busy day. I just poured a hot cup of Door County Jamaican Blue Mountain Blend Coffee and not it is time to write. 

Psalm 37:8 Cease from anger and forsake wrath, do not fret, it only leads to harm.

Thee Academy Awards (Oscars) were broadcast on Sunday night. I used to watch the show now and then way back when. I haven't tuned in for a few years now. As soon as I turned the radio on yesterday the announcer was talking about the incident that took place at the Oscars the night before.

In a nut shell, one of the presenters (a comedian)  told a joke addressed at another actor's wife. The names of the participants are not important. What ensued was the offended husband rose from his chair, walked on stage and slapped the comedian and then walked off the stage. Then he started  shouting expletives at the comedian . This incident was viewed in a lot of homes around the world. 

Ephesians 4;29 Let no corrupt talk come out of your mouths, but only such that is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may be a blessing to those who hear. 

I am not choosing sides here at all. I believe true comedy ended in the 1960s and early 1970's. What we have now are comedians that bash, poke fun and say humiliating things to people or about them to large crowds and they call that entertainment. Now if that joke had been intended for my wife I am not sure what I would have done. I hope and pray I would have acted differently. 

So today, I can sit on the sidelines and talk about how both parties were wrong. This actor has a huge following and he just showed all of his followers and peeps the wrong way to have handled the situation. Now, no one was shot or stabbed so it ended up being a slap in the mouth. But still, he lost his cool. They both have paid publicists that could have arranged a meeting for the two of them discuss the insult and ask for a public apology. It would have been the manly thing to do. Now for the comedians who earn a living humiliating others I suggest they learn to be funny without hurting others. 

For the rest of us. If we don't watch or listen to those who get down right mean to others with their act, maybe they will get the message. Have you ever thought that we as viewers could be the blame for some of this nonsense? 

Food For Thought


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