Sunday, March 27, 2022

Guys Like Me 3/27/2022

 Good Morning,

It's a little after 5:am as I write.  It has been a productive morning so far. I have a turkey breast in the oven and two seasoned pork shoulders in the smoker. I have been working to have meals made for this week ahead of time. The turkey breast will be used in a pot pie as well as meat for salads and sandwiches. It is very cold for March this morning and while lighting the smoker I caught a chill that my mug of Door County Chocolate Cherry Coffee is having a battle with. The mug is almost gone and I am still cold. 

I titled this "Guys Like Me". I have a few friends who think like I do. We are early risers and also believe in going to bed early.  We work hard and appreciate a smoked piece of meat. We don't mind braving the cold, to get outside and smoke up the neighborhood. We tend not to sleep in and feel like we missed something if we get going after 5:am. 

Acts 20:35 In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weaker, and remember the words of Jesus Christ, how he himself said," it is more blessed to give, than to receive." 

I also believe that it is easiest to sleep when it is dark and not too much good comes after midnight. So I am in bed, prayers said, Bible read by 10:pm. The first thing when waking up every day is to go to prayer for the day, get the dogs out and grab that cup of coffee and write. 

What does this have to do with motivating all of us this morning? Guys like me have God first, family second, and we are third in the importance of our lives. I think we find it easier to keep it this way, when we get all we can obtain from every day. I believe it is our duty to be the first one up every day, to pray for our families and others. I wouldn't have it any other way. 

God has given us every day and yes there are times for vacations not doubt! But here is the kicker. Guys like me might be going to see caverns in a different state, but we were up first keeping this routine, because it is hard wired within us, by repetition. 

So if you want to create a good habit make an attempt to do it every day and before you know it, you will hard wire it into your lifestyle and it becomes part of your DNA and you have made a good thing routine! Our own good habits are usually used for others. Think this one through. 

May God bless your day. Love to all.  


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