Saturday, March 5, 2022

Forged In The Fire 3/5/2022

 Good Morning,

I just poured a hot cup of Door County Jamaican Blue Mountain Blend Coffee. The aroma from the brewing coffee woke me up before the alarm kicked off. I am awake now!

One definition of the word forged is this. "Make or shape ( a metal object) by heating it in a fire or furnace."

Isaiah 48:10 Behold, I have refined you, but not as silver; I have tried you in the furnace of affliction. 

As I look back on life and look at where I was when I was in my early twenties and now in the latter half of my sixties I can see some emotional, spiritual, and character growth spurts. As I recalled the times of growth, I also saw that they were often during times of difficulties. 

I asked myself this question. Why did I grow the most during difficult times? The answer was simple. Prior to the difficulties happening, I was self content, self motivated, and did not desire to improve relationships including especially my  relationship with God.  But when difficulties or calamities struck, I went running to God for hope, direction , assurances, and love. You could say that God took my troubles and while in the furnace of the forge, He pounded me into shape, making me useful and stronger to withstand the next calamity. He did his best work on me when I was in the fire of despair. 

Sometimes the forging was painful to the heart and mind, yet when it was finished I was spiritually stronger and emotionally recharged. 

So if you are in that fiery forge and the hammer is coming down on you, let God have His way and let Him do a good work in you. Whatever He hammers out of you is something holding you back in your relationship with Him and others. 

God bless,


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