Sunday, March 20, 2022

The Noise Of Quiet 3/20/2022

 Good Morning,

The old coffee maker just brewed another hot mug of java for me. My choice of flavors was to try a new one from the Door County Coffee Company. Sweet Clementine was brewed and now for the first sample. The jury is still out on this one. I am not used to citrus in my morning brew. We will see how I feel after the second cup. Most of all it is best to be thankful for any pot of coffee, while others in the world cannot even boil water because of turmoil in their land. 

I like to hunt a lot and I always find peace and quiet while duck or goose hunting. There is that time before shooting is legal when you have nothing to do but sit and drink coffee, think, and pray. I find that time most peaceful.

But there is something to be said for early Sunday mornings when you aren't in a hurry yet for anything. I attend church on Saturdays and there is no pressure to get to church on Sunday. I can take my time like this morning, and build a small fire in the hearth, warm up the house and enjoy the quiet. Once it is a little warmer and if it isn't raining, I move my Sunday mornings outdoors and at times I will make a small fire in the firepit just to smell the smoke and enjoy my coffee while writing. Sometimes I will play the radio very softly for some background music. But most of the time is just spent enjoying the quiet.

It is amazing what you can hear when it is quiet. Being inside this morning, I can hear the fireplace crackle as it burns away. I can even hear the flames making a small amount of noise as they reach toward the chimney. Our oldest dog snores a little especially after he eats and falls asleep again, The younger one is licking his paws from the morning frost. He is very meticulous as to what stays on his paws. A couple of geese are moving somewhere, because I just heard them fly over the house honking and announcing there presence. I can hear myself breathe every so slightly. I guess what I am hearing is peace and contentment. I always take some time to pray and study before I write this blog and at times in a still small voice I believe God grants me a word through m prayer or Scripture. 

Today was quiet from heaven and what was written in Scripture was comforting and set my heart at ease. That small word set the wheels of this blog in motion. 

Isaiah 30:21 Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way, walk in it".

You just have to love the noise of quiet.

God bless,


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