Thursday, March 31, 2022

Last Day In March 3/31/2022

Good Morning,

I let two clean and dry dogs out for their morning business and two muddy and wet dogs returned. I didn't see that as a fair deal. Somehow today feels like it should be Friday but it isn't. My mug is full of hot Door County Highlander Grog Coffee and now it is time to write. My intentions are to enjoy this mug full of hot java and then decide if I have room for one more.

We as a family have been praying for one of our family members to obtain a new job. We have been in prayer for quite some time. Yesterday we received the news that an excellent job offer was made to our loved one and accepted! 

I remember starting this prayer request over a year ago and at times it seemed like every door was closed and not much was going to open if anything at all. Now and then there would be a glimmer of something happening but to no avail. I am grateful for those who have joined me in this petition to God and for their faithfulness in prayer. 

I would be truly out of line if I didn't thank God publicly for his provision and His timing, Thank you Father. Always, always, remember where all answers to prayer come from. 

Luke 17:11-19  11. Now on His way to Jerusalem, Jesus traveled along the border along the border of Samaria and Galilee. 12 As he was going into a village, ten men who had leprosy, met him. They stood at a distance. 13. They called out in a loud voice, " Jesus, Master have pity on us."

14. When he say them, he said, "Go show yourselves to the priests," And as they went they were cleansed. 

15. One off them, who when he saw he was healed came back praising God in a loud voice. 16. He threw himself at the feet of Jesus and thanked him. This man was a Samaritan.

17. Jesus asked, "Were not all ten cleansed? Where are the other nine? 18. Has no one else returned to give praise to God except for this foreigner?" 19. He said to him, "Rise and go. Your faith has made you well." 

I learned a lot in this last year of being patient when God does not seem to answer. His timing is best and often waits for us to have our backs up against the wall so that our faith can truly be placed in Him. His timing is always best for us. 

Micah 7:7 But as for me I will to the Lord. I will wait on the God of my salvation; My God will hear me. 

Food for thought. 


Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Making Decisions 3/29/2022

 Good Morning,

My day has started with a bang and I need a hot cup of Door County Highlander Grog Coffee to push me on ahead today. 

Proverbs 3:6 In all your ways acknowledge him and he will make straight your paths. 

I will be starting my time as a juror in the county where I live. I do not know what the day will hold but I know Who holds the future. I have been in prayer regarding the case I could get assigned to and have been asking for wisdom as to what to do. 

So for today, I have to cut this short and head down town to the courthouse. I will have some quiet time to myself during the day and I will use it for prayer and some study while I wait. 

My point for the day is this. Use your time to the best of your ability. Any decisions to be made should be prayed through and through.

Food for thought. 


Tuesday, March 29, 2022

The Slap That Was Heard Around The World. 3/29/2022

 Good Morning,

Tuesday it is and it has the makings for a busy day. I just poured a hot cup of Door County Jamaican Blue Mountain Blend Coffee and not it is time to write. 

Psalm 37:8 Cease from anger and forsake wrath, do not fret, it only leads to harm.

Thee Academy Awards (Oscars) were broadcast on Sunday night. I used to watch the show now and then way back when. I haven't tuned in for a few years now. As soon as I turned the radio on yesterday the announcer was talking about the incident that took place at the Oscars the night before.

In a nut shell, one of the presenters (a comedian)  told a joke addressed at another actor's wife. The names of the participants are not important. What ensued was the offended husband rose from his chair, walked on stage and slapped the comedian and then walked off the stage. Then he started  shouting expletives at the comedian . This incident was viewed in a lot of homes around the world. 

Ephesians 4;29 Let no corrupt talk come out of your mouths, but only such that is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may be a blessing to those who hear. 

I am not choosing sides here at all. I believe true comedy ended in the 1960s and early 1970's. What we have now are comedians that bash, poke fun and say humiliating things to people or about them to large crowds and they call that entertainment. Now if that joke had been intended for my wife I am not sure what I would have done. I hope and pray I would have acted differently. 

So today, I can sit on the sidelines and talk about how both parties were wrong. This actor has a huge following and he just showed all of his followers and peeps the wrong way to have handled the situation. Now, no one was shot or stabbed so it ended up being a slap in the mouth. But still, he lost his cool. They both have paid publicists that could have arranged a meeting for the two of them discuss the insult and ask for a public apology. It would have been the manly thing to do. Now for the comedians who earn a living humiliating others I suggest they learn to be funny without hurting others. 

For the rest of us. If we don't watch or listen to those who get down right mean to others with their act, maybe they will get the message. Have you ever thought that we as viewers could be the blame for some of this nonsense? 

Food For Thought


Monday, March 28, 2022

Jury Duty 3/28/2022

 Good Morning,

My dad and grandfather used to say "Rise and shine. It is daylight in the swamp". That meant, it was time to get out of bed and get going. So I am up, prayers lifted up and a cup of Door County Jamaican Blue Mountain Blend Coffee is trying to straighten me out. 

Proverbs 18:17 The first one to plead his cause seems right, until his neighbor comes and examines him. 

It looks like I am in line to possibly be a juror this week. I received my letter of call to duty a few weeks ago. I will admit this. Once I saw the letter I can't say that I was thrilled to be called. Our county does not make it easy to be a juror, including no where to park without paying a heavy monetary price. It seems as if they work hard to have the jurors inconvenienced while they serve their duty. Probably not a good thing to tick off the jury before they even hear a case. 

But with all calls to perform a duty, we need to put it in the right perspective and prepare our hearts and minds for the task. If chosen, one needs to be impartial and listen to the facts and the facts only. You must be able to decide if the person is guilty or innocent beyond any doubt. No assumptions should be made without hearing both sides and convicting with any prejudice. Remain prejudice free. 

This call to be a juror has me thinking about how we might be jurors all the time. We listen to the news and form opinions, usually without all the facts and all we hear  is one side of the story. So we make a decision without all the facts. For instance, your teenage daughter or spouse gets into a car accident and the auto it totaled. The other driver was faulted with speeding or something like that. You see your kid or spouse all banged up  and you are angry. In your heart and mind you have convicted the other driver as a moron, and a speeding idiot. But later you find out that your beauty queen was driving while applying her make makeup and drinking a cup of iced macchiato. No way could she be paying attention to the road ahead or driving defensively.

As humans we play judge and jury all day long and we tend to jump to conclusions and assumptions before we speak or react. It is better to wait a little bit before handing down the sentence in your mind to consider all the facts and then act accordingly or maybe not react at all. "A foot is best left on the ground and used to walk with, instead of inserting it into your mouth."

You work hard enough already, It's not in your job description to play God, judge and jury as well as hangman. Slow down before making any rash remarks or decisions. There might be more to the story.


Sunday, March 27, 2022

Guys Like Me 3/27/2022

 Good Morning,

It's a little after 5:am as I write.  It has been a productive morning so far. I have a turkey breast in the oven and two seasoned pork shoulders in the smoker. I have been working to have meals made for this week ahead of time. The turkey breast will be used in a pot pie as well as meat for salads and sandwiches. It is very cold for March this morning and while lighting the smoker I caught a chill that my mug of Door County Chocolate Cherry Coffee is having a battle with. The mug is almost gone and I am still cold. 

I titled this "Guys Like Me". I have a few friends who think like I do. We are early risers and also believe in going to bed early.  We work hard and appreciate a smoked piece of meat. We don't mind braving the cold, to get outside and smoke up the neighborhood. We tend not to sleep in and feel like we missed something if we get going after 5:am. 

Acts 20:35 In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weaker, and remember the words of Jesus Christ, how he himself said," it is more blessed to give, than to receive." 

I also believe that it is easiest to sleep when it is dark and not too much good comes after midnight. So I am in bed, prayers said, Bible read by 10:pm. The first thing when waking up every day is to go to prayer for the day, get the dogs out and grab that cup of coffee and write. 

What does this have to do with motivating all of us this morning? Guys like me have God first, family second, and we are third in the importance of our lives. I think we find it easier to keep it this way, when we get all we can obtain from every day. I believe it is our duty to be the first one up every day, to pray for our families and others. I wouldn't have it any other way. 

God has given us every day and yes there are times for vacations not doubt! But here is the kicker. Guys like me might be going to see caverns in a different state, but we were up first keeping this routine, because it is hard wired within us, by repetition. 

So if you want to create a good habit make an attempt to do it every day and before you know it, you will hard wire it into your lifestyle and it becomes part of your DNA and you have made a good thing routine! Our own good habits are usually used for others. Think this one through. 

May God bless your day. Love to all.  


Saturday, March 26, 2022

Some Of The Best Medicine Is Home Made Recipe Included. 3/26/2022

 Good Morning,

Saturday is here and I am happy to see it. I have sitting next to me a steaming cup of Door County Chocolate Cherry Coffee. The aroma is good and strong.

Isaiah 55:2 Why spend money on what is not bread, and your labor on what does not satisfy? Listen, listen to me and eat what is good, and you will delight in the richest of fare. 

Last night I took three chicken thighs and placed them in a soup kettle with the rest of items needed to make a batch of chicken soup. Before too long I had a pot of soup that would make anyone proud. It would be easy to open a can of soup and call it a meal, but nothing in a can, compares to what can be made at home with some time and some love. 

It is just my wife and I at home now and I do about 95% of all the cooking. I consider whoever dines with me as worthy of my best. Although chicken soup is a nice, yet a humble supper, it will warm my wife up tonight, taste good and be a comfort to both of us. 

So, whenever possible do your best to make it at home. "Homemade" is medicine for the soul. Most of the recipes I use come from cook books we have purchased. I like to use The Taste Of Home books that were gifted to me. Today I have included my favorite chicken soup recipe for you.

Have a great day and be blessed. 


Ingredients For The Ultimate Chicken Soup

  • 2-1/2 pounds bone-in chicken thighs
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon pepper
  • 1 tablespoon canola oil
  • 1 large onion, chopped
  • 1 garlic clove, minced
  • 10 cups chicken broth
  • 4 celery ribs, chopped
  • 4 medium carrots, chopped
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 1 teaspoon minced fresh thyme or 1/4 teaspoon dried thyme
  • 3 cups uncooked kluski or other egg noodles (about 8 ounces)
  • 1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • Optional: Additional salt and pepper


1.    Pat chicken dry with paper towels; sprinkle with salt and pepper. In a 6-qt. stockpot, heat oil over medium-high heat. Add chicken in batches, skin side down; cook until dark golden brown, 3-4 minutes. Remove chicken from pan; remove and discard skin. Discard drippings, reserving 2 tablespoons.

2.    Add onion to drippings; cook and stir over medium-high heat until tender, 4-5 minutes. Add garlic; cook 1 minute longer. Add broth, stirring to loosen browned bits from pan. Bring to a boil. Return chicken to pan. Add celery, carrots, bay leaves and thyme. Reduce heat; simmer, covered, until chicken is tender, 25-30 minutes.

3.    Transfer chicken to a plate. Remove soup from heat. Add noodles; let stand, covered, until noodles are tender, 20-22 minutes.

4.    Meanwhile, when chicken is cool enough to handle, remove meat from bones; discard bones. Shred meat into bite-sized pieces. Return meat to stockpot. Stir in parsley and lemon juice. If desired, adjust seasoning with additional salt and pepper. Discard bay leaves.

For the broth, I make my own and freeze it. When I desire chicken salad I will boil some chicken thighs and save the broth for soup time. If you like a richer broth, add two bullion cubes to the pot. 


Friday, March 25, 2022

Restless Days 3/25/2022

 Good Morning,

The alarm clock announced that dawn is upon me and it is time to taste some hot Door County Blueberry Cobbler Coffee.

I took the picture of this eagle while I was hunting in the North woods of Michigan about 12 years ago. I knew it would come in handy someday. 

I have been restless in my heart, mind, and soul, for the last few weeks and whenever that happens with me I know the winds of change are blowing once more. We have been talking more and more at home about the possibilities now that full retirement will be upon us by next year February. I am not sure what God has planned for us or if He has any plans at all. I have petitioned God as to what it could be that is causing me to be restless and there has been no reply.

Why am I writing about this? Because I am sure others go through periods like this. It is awful tempting to try and manufacture a pathway, but then that would be me trying to play God with my life. I have learned this over the years. Until God clearly directs my path in different directions I just need to keep doing what I have been doing and wait on the Lord to show us the move to make. No need to pester God and ask over and over what He wants from us. He gave us a direction for now and that is what we will do. And we will do it with contentment. 

Isaiah 40:31 But those who wait on the Lord, shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles; They shall run and not be weary; They shall walk and not faint.

Proverbs 3:6 In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. 

The key to happiness, is waiting on the Lord with contentment. 


Thursday, March 24, 2022

Looking For A Helping Hand? 3/24/2022

 Good Morning,

Thursday is here and I can see Friday over the top of my glasses now. I believe a hot cup of Door County Blueberry Cobbler Coffee is in order to start the day. 

I had a relative who always said the best place to find a helping hand is at the end of your own arm. She and I always agreed on the fact that it isn't very flattering to seek help when you can do something yourself. As a matter of fact she and I often said that those who always help others who could help themselves are part of the problem. People with kind hearts often enable those who could help themselves, but rely on others to carry the load for them. 

Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. 

Being too ready to help often teaches others to become lazy and become experts at applying  perceived helplessness. This does no one any good at all. Once the cancer of perceived helplessness takes root, any pride that was once there is gone. 

There is a fine line between true needs and applied helplessness. One has to be accountable for being lazy and on the other hand if you are an enabler you also need to be held accountable to shut off the instant help. Better to teach someone how to fish than giving them a fish just when they want a fish fry. 

God bless,


Wednesday, March 23, 2022

You Just Have To Respect It 3/23/2022

 Good Morning,

No coffee for me today. Our coffee machine is in need of a repair or we might have to purchase a new one. What is a guy supposed to do?

I was once told by a kid who at times was wise beyond his years "You don't have to like it. You just have to respect it." That bit of advice has served me very well. There are certainly a lot of things I don't like in this world yet I need to respect the fact that other people might like them. Unless they are doing harm to me, I need to respect the choices of others. 

But the key to that being a successful modern day Proverb is this. You don't have to like it comes first. Yet to show respect for a certain something means you won't verbally attack it or voice your opinion. There are certain things that I will dislike and that is my preference. But in order to show respect for others, it is best to just be quiet. 

I sought out some Biblical advice on this and it was very easy to find. 

Ephesians 4:26 Be angry, but do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger. 

Ephesians 4:31 Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice.

So I thought this through and have decided that there will always be something or someone that will rub you wrong. There is a time to be angry. But when the anger causes you to sin, you have gone too far. If your anger takes you into the night and causes you not to sleep, you have already put yourself into a place where bitterness might creep in. In other words, you need to take care of you. 

Mom always said. If you can't say anything nice, just don't speak. Thus you won't be in sin. 

Now there is a cure for taming anger also. 

Philippians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.

When a head is filled with good, it usually spills over into the heart.

Food for thought.


Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Breaking Out The Wrenches For A Good Cause 3/22/2022

 Good Morning,

A hot cup of Door County Highlander Grog Coffee is doing a good job of helping me welcome the morning.  

Hebrews 1:14 Are not all angels ministering servants sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?

Last week I was approached by a good friend and he asked me if I could take some of my old skills and help him out with a plumbing leak at his father in law's home. I wasn't able to see the leak and piping before hand, but he did a really good job of describing the issue. This was one of those projects that could go either way, good or bad. 

I dusted off my equipment and knew I would need an assortment of pipe wrenches to wrestle with the old galvanized piping. I left our home on Sunday and was packed with just about everything I might need. I knew it would take one run to the local hardware emporium once we measured up the replacement needs.

Once I arrived I knew I had been correct in assuming the worst could happen but we still were hoping for the best. Before we even measured anything we prayed and asked God to give us wisdom, to wake up my old skill set, and make everything go smoothly.  

Really, not to my surprise the old piping came apart without breaking. We prefabricated the replacement piping outside and then took it all in and slipped it in place without a hitch. 

God knew the situation and He came through in a big way. This piping job was causing my friend's father in law some stress that just wasn't needed. We wanted him to not have to worry about anything. It was a miracle that the corroded pipe did not break off at a joint. Even my pipe wrenches did not seem heavy. I have seen many of these quick fix repairs end up taking all day or two days. 

God knew our hearts were in the right place and I believe that He had some angel loosen the piping. 

You can argue with me and call it good luck. I know my piping and I say God is one great plumber.

Have a great day,


Monday, March 21, 2022

Unable To Understand Justice 3/21/2022

 Good Morning. 

My day began with a hot cup of Door County Highlander Grog Coffee and some prayer.

I must tell you that although this blog was finalized this morning, the thoughts behind it began yesterday. In a combination of my study in the book of Proverbs and the daily news, this blog spot for this morning  made it's way  to what you will read today. So in essence, this one took two days to write. 

Proverbs 28:5 Evil men do not understand justice. But those who seek the Lord understand all. 

I was listening to the news over the last couple of days and a man was convicted of some very serious crimes and received a life sentence behind bars. There was no doubt in the minds of the jurors that this man was guilty. Yet he was indignant in court and thought his sentence was too extreme. The law called for the sentence and it bothered me that he was justifying his crime. He showed no remorse for what he had done. 

While preparing for a Men's Bible study it just so happens that my inner questions and feelings were answered. 

It is a sad thing to say but there are those who for some reason or another are fundamentally evil or wicked and simply do not understand justice. Given freedom they often choose to commit the same crimes. They cannot fathom the rules of justice and how they apply to all of us. 

I asked myself why we as people do that? It is because our minds are naturally blinded by sin and are further blinded by our own prejudices and passions and by the god of this world.(Satan) who rules in and over those committing evil.

The second thought on the why, "is that there are those who believe justice is that which benefits them, otherwise it is not justice." (Ross)

"But those who seek the Lord understand all" this is not to sound arrogant or flippant. The godly do understand justice. They seek out God in all things, fear the Lord and have His wisdom. "Many things  dark to human reasoning, are simplified by humility." (Bridges)

So my thought on this is we need to keep that relationship with  God a priority less we fall into temptation and decide that justice is not fair. A simple example is this. You are pulled over for speeding and are issued a citation, the citation demands a payment of $100. Do you pay it or try to fight it saying it's not fair, the fine is too much or do you accept being guilty and pay the consequences? 

It is easy to call someone else evil and then cloud our vision of ourselves. Be careful out there!


Sunday, March 20, 2022

The Noise Of Quiet 3/20/2022

 Good Morning,

The old coffee maker just brewed another hot mug of java for me. My choice of flavors was to try a new one from the Door County Coffee Company. Sweet Clementine was brewed and now for the first sample. The jury is still out on this one. I am not used to citrus in my morning brew. We will see how I feel after the second cup. Most of all it is best to be thankful for any pot of coffee, while others in the world cannot even boil water because of turmoil in their land. 

I like to hunt a lot and I always find peace and quiet while duck or goose hunting. There is that time before shooting is legal when you have nothing to do but sit and drink coffee, think, and pray. I find that time most peaceful.

But there is something to be said for early Sunday mornings when you aren't in a hurry yet for anything. I attend church on Saturdays and there is no pressure to get to church on Sunday. I can take my time like this morning, and build a small fire in the hearth, warm up the house and enjoy the quiet. Once it is a little warmer and if it isn't raining, I move my Sunday mornings outdoors and at times I will make a small fire in the firepit just to smell the smoke and enjoy my coffee while writing. Sometimes I will play the radio very softly for some background music. But most of the time is just spent enjoying the quiet.

It is amazing what you can hear when it is quiet. Being inside this morning, I can hear the fireplace crackle as it burns away. I can even hear the flames making a small amount of noise as they reach toward the chimney. Our oldest dog snores a little especially after he eats and falls asleep again, The younger one is licking his paws from the morning frost. He is very meticulous as to what stays on his paws. A couple of geese are moving somewhere, because I just heard them fly over the house honking and announcing there presence. I can hear myself breathe every so slightly. I guess what I am hearing is peace and contentment. I always take some time to pray and study before I write this blog and at times in a still small voice I believe God grants me a word through m prayer or Scripture. 

Today was quiet from heaven and what was written in Scripture was comforting and set my heart at ease. That small word set the wheels of this blog in motion. 

Isaiah 30:21 Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way, walk in it".

You just have to love the noise of quiet.

God bless,


Saturday, March 19, 2022

Laurie And Her Bumbershoot 3/19/2022

 Good Morning, 

I woke up this morning and I hit the floor running. W are assisting to host a program at our church on gun safety. It looks to be well attended and it will also promote conceal carry which is legal in our state. 

1 Timothy 5:8 But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever. 

My little sister while in grade school went to school each day armed with her "Bumbershoot" which is slang for umbrella. She always carried her rain protection with her for the walk home from school. She also referred to it as her bumbershoot. Where she learned that slang version of umbrella I will never know. Her bumbershoot had about a three inch spike at the top.

We had very little trouble back in those days and the streets were usually safe to walk and free of trouble. But every now and then as we walked by the Tasty Freeze on Lincoln Avenue a few of the local wanna be gang members or bullies would appear and want something from you to have passage on their sidewalk. They pretty much left us alone, until one day when they blocked the sidewalk and wanted 25 cents from us as a toll. We two did not have two nickels to rub together, let alone 50 cents. So as I started to walk around these clowns one, of them punched me from behind. As I turned to see how this was going to go and decide which one of the village idiots would receive my wrath, I heard a kind of scream. I was concerned for my sister and knew I could not take on the five of these clowns, but one was going to get it for sure. My little sister decided to unleash an attack on one of those kids with her bumbershoot and she had already drawn blood. Like Zoro she turned to one of the other boys and went after number two. I was pummeling the one who originally popped me. Laurie opened up a can of whoop butt on number two and almost hit an eye with her barrage .Those three left crying!

The last two decided that 50 cents wasn't worth everyone hearing about how they got whooped by a second grader and her umbrella. 

My point for today is this. Family needs to protect family and sometimes you just have to fight. Laurie looked at me and asked " do you think we are in trouble?" I replied, "No, they started it". Laurie grinned and said' 'But we finished it". I thoroughly support self defense and I have learned how to use a gun safely, and hit what I am shooting at. I still believe that one should never start a battle, but if you or your family are in danger, you fight to win.

Hat's off to Laurie. She and her bumbershoot saved me from taking a royal butt kicking. But that's what family does. 


Friday, March 18, 2022

Pumpkin Pie In March? 3/18/2022

 Good Morning,

Friday is here and it is right on time. I am headed into a busy weekend and I am sure I will be drinking a cup of Door County Peanut Butter Crunch Coffee on Saturday. 

Just the other day when I cam home from some errands I could smell something cooking in the kitchen. Much to my surprise my wife Rene decided to bake a pumpkin pie. I am used to her baking a pie or two for Thanksgiving but not in March. It seems that we have pigeon holed pumpkin pie for November. 

I asked why we were eating November food in March and I never did get a straight answer from her. It's been a couple of days now and I haven't eaten any of the pie. I am sure it is delicious but just can't get past the pumpkin pie in March. It seems that we should be eating apple pie or cherry pie. 

I am one of those people who just doesn't like change and I adapt slowly to it. I often invoke the statement , "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!" 

Ecclesiastes 3:1 There is a time for every purpose under heaven. 

I realize that at times my stubbornness often does me harm and it would be best to roll with a change now and then instead of coming up with 1000 reasons why the change is a bad idea. 

Sometimes, even if it does not make any sense to change, but a change can occur and not cause any harm, the change just might be the thing that makes someone else happy. Last night I even served up some pie for Rene after dinner. I was hoping and praying that she would return her biological calendar back to spring and forget about pumpkin pie until November. But as I watched her eat  her dessert and she was content and happy, I knew that saying anything about pumpkin pie in March just wasn't the hill to die on.

So I conceded to this. It made her happy. It caused no harm. So who am I to rob her of a little comfort.? 

It's just one of those things that just shouldn't matter! This sounds funny to all of you. But when you think about it,  don't we all tend to make a big deal out of things and give them more attention than they deserve?  This type of behavior and wanting to have the last word often takes a small change and blows it up into a battle. And the world could use a few less battles in it. 

God bless,


Thursday, March 17, 2022

A Wee Bit Of Irish Coffee Please. 3/17/2021

 Good Morning,

I am pleased to be writing this morning as my pot of Door County Irish Cream Coffee is brewing in the kitchen. 

I have always been one to celebrate "Saint Patrick's Day". Although I am not Irish I like what the day has to offer. We will be dining on corned beef, cabbage, and potatoes tonight. I also like Lucky Charms cereal and leprechauns. That is about as Irish as I get.

But one thing has always stood out and for the first time I would like to share it. 

"May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face; the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand. This traditional Irish blessing is an ancient Celtic prayer.

Celtic literature is famed for using images of nature and everyday life to speak of God interacts with His people. "May the road rise up to meet you" is about God's blessing for your journey-may your walk be an easy one- with no huge mountains to climb or obstacles to overcome. It alludes to three images from nature - the wind, sun, and rain- as pictures of God's care and provision. The "wind" can be likened to the Spirit of God, who came as a "mighty wind" at Pentecost. The suns warmth in the prayer reminds us of the tender mercies of God. "by which the rising sun will come to us from heaven"     (Luke 1:78 NIV), whilst the soft rain speaks of God's provision and sustenance. Finally, we are reminded that we are held safe in God's loving hands as we travel on our journey through life.  

Luke 1:78 Because of the tender mercy of our God, by which the rising sun will come down to us from heaven. 

So today, that is my prayer for all of you. Let's make everyone a little Irish today and wish each other peace, love, joy and happiness. 


Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Making Room For Others 3/16/2022

 Good Morning,

The Door County Highlander Grog Coffee is still brewing as I am writing today. I can't wait much longer for that first cup.

Psalm 26:2 Prove me, O Lord, and try me; Test my heart and my mind. 

Today my subject line is "Making Room For Others". I am not talking about physical room in your home, your church, your circle of friends, family or adventures. Although I could write about those subjects for a few days. 

I am talking about the room of our hearts. My wife Rene and I regret not building our home a little bigger in a couple areas, Now we have both agreed that it is too late to do that now. So that dream faded with lack of funds and ambition. But making room in our hearts for others is never too late. 

Our hearts are filled with emotions. One emotion is love, another is respect, and thirdly a desire to belong.  As we age doctors pay special attention to things that could be wrong with our physical heart. They look for hardening of the arteries and other things that come with age. They try to keep our hearts working like when we were young. But it is our job to take the prescribed medication and lay off of the bacon. So we actually work to keep our hearts beating until God calls us home. 

I am sure if they do an autopsy on me when I die they will find two bacon cheeseburgers. My point for today is this. For some of you emotional pain has come along that has hardened your hearts and closed off your heart to be open to others. As the cheeseburger diet has hurt my life longevity so does a heart that is closed to letting others in. A steady diet of anger, hurt and carrying a grudge does too much damage to your heart's ability to reach out and receive love from others. Trust is just a word in the dictionary. A heart beats best when it beats for others. When we forgive, forget and move forward our heart is once more exercised and as it beats it desires to make room once again for others and the love that goes with it. 

Don't go another day with  a heart that is closed to others and the love they bring. 

God bless,


Tuesday, March 15, 2022

One Wish. And It Was To Go To Church 3/15/2022

 Good Morning,

I will be leaving soon for work and I will enjoy some time behind the wheel with a travel mug of Door County Highlander Grog Coffee at my side. 

Luke 2:49 And he said to them, "Why were you looking for me? Did you not know that I must be in my Father's house? 

I want to say that we have two heroes who live next door to us. Our neighbor Eddie is suffering from ALS. He has been in and out of the hospital lately and times are tough. His wife Donna is by his side through thick and thin. She works tirelessly to take care of Eddie. 

It just so happened that as things were getting worse for Eddie, a few changes in medications at least got Eddie feeling a little bit better. As I was talking to Donna in the yard last week, she mentioned that Eddie would like to try and go to church. Now remember I said he was a little bit better. He still can't move his arms, his legs are week and his head needs to be held up and moved so he can see. Now just a tiny improvement in that lifestyle gave him the motivation to want to attend church. 

So on Saturday night Donna and my wife Rene got Eddie down a set of stairs, loaded him into Rene's car and packed a motorized wheelchair into the trunk and brought Eddie to church. Eddie spoke in church, thanking everyone for their prayers and for some of the kind actions like meals and gift cards that the folks had given them. We belong to a wonderful church and that Saturday night flock has some of the kindest people in it. 

After church Eddie and Donna chatted with a few folks and soon enough it was time for the ladies to pack them up and return Eddie to their home. You could see that the whole event had tired him out. Once home, the ladies took Eddie in and I helped get him up the stairs. 

My point is this. Given a very small improvement in pain and muscle atrophy and seizures, all my neighbor wanted to do was to attend church. 

I have to ask, would that be your choice? What keeps you from church attendance? What dang lazy excuse could we even begin to think warrants staying home. Yes, there are shut ins and those hospitalized and they have good excuses. But I need to say this. Sleeping in, cold weather, a long work week, are not excuses for not attending church and being part of the body of Christ. 

I said it and will defend it. There is a time and place for a video production of church. But most people do not qualify as needing it. It's time to return to church in person and not use lame excuses for not being there to worship and serve. 

Have a great day. I am proud to say that we have two fighters living next to us. 

God bless,


Monday, March 14, 2022

Saying Goodbye To An Old Friend 3/14/2022

Good Morning,

Monday rolled in like an extra guest that wasn't expected. I am headed out early today for work so this one cup of Door County Cherry Creme Coffee has to be the last one for the day. 

James 1:17 Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like sifting shadows. 

On Sunday I had to say farewell to an old friend.  Years of hard work and long days that sometimes ran into the night took it's toll and it was time to lay my friend to rest. That old body was worn beyond worn and it was rested on a frame that has seen better days. So my friend was put out to pasture and will spend it's last days on a farm, never to roam the highway with the radio blasting and taking us to hunting destinations.

I am talking about my old Ford F250 Pickup Truck. You probably just tuned me out about now, thinking that I have gone nuts. Not really.  I bought the old work horse used, and gave it a good home. I took care of it as needed and I drove it to destinations of happiness and some of despair. Many times I was alone, except for a dog or two as I traveled. There were other times that I shared the front seat with a companion. The old truck witnessed me at my best and at my worst. It heard laughter and prayer for the last 8 years. It also heard some crying and had some tears drip down to the seat. The old truck was the first place I wanted to sit when I had both knees replaced. I knew when I sat in that seat and could crawl back out, I was on the mend. 

So why all this sentiment about a truck? I am just sharing my heart and want to thank God for the blessing of the Old Ford. I needed a deal on a truck 8 years ago and God provided one. We never experienced a crash in the vehicle and I was never left stranded by it. So I need to thank God for taking care of both of us.

Food for thought. All good things come from God. 


Sunday, March 13, 2022

The Best Coffee Is One With A Buddy 3/13/2022

 Good Morning,

Once again a small fire is in the hearth warming up the house and my cup of Door County Chocolate Caramel Truffles Coffee is warming my insides up. 

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. 10 For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has no one to lift him up. 

On Friday I received a call from a close friend. He was having difficulty entering his garage because the door was jammed due to heaving concrete. It needed two people to solve this one. I was off of work and could do what I did need to do for my employer from home at anytime during the day.  This miscue in life would need two guys to solve it and so I packed my sledge hammer which he requested and drove over to his house. We prayed about what we needed to do, asking God for some help, safety and wisdom. We tore into that project like two well oiled machines and within about an hour and a half we were putting the finishing touches on the repairs.  We thanked God for assisting the two of us who are proclaimed to be the "Two Village Idiots" 

One thing we lacked, was to consider the outdoor temperature. We were dressed a little light for the wind and cold. So, by the time we were finished I suggested that he brew a pot of coffee and we warm up before I left. My friend was all for that idea. As we warmed up we talked and refilled our mugs. We chatted for about an hour. 

My friend has been laid up on and off for the last three years. And there are mornings when a cup of coffee will make him vomit. He spent the better part of the last three years in pain. So for us to be able to tackle an emergency repair project together was a gift given to us by God. Then to sit like days of old and drink a cup of coffee, and solve world problems at his kitchen table was especially nice. That cup of coffee not only warmed me up physically, it did a lot for my soul. "Coffee For The Soul" 

The day will come when we will be too old or one of us will be gone home to glory and we won't have coffee time. This cup was a long time in arriving. As I went home, I was grateful for a broken garage door and some frozen concrete. 

Covid has put a lot of dampers on close relationships. And while it is somewhat at bay, do your best to visit one another and share a treat. It could be coffee or pastry, it's your call. Don't let time fly by without living your life. It is best lived when it is shared. 

God bless,



Saturday, March 12, 2022

A Nice Word Goes A Long Way 3/12/22

 Good Morning,

I have a warm fire burning in the hearth this morning as I work to warm up and wake up. A hot cup of Door County Mocha Mint Coffee is steaming next to me and it is time to write.

Numbers 6:24-26 "The Lord bless you and keep you. 25. The Lord make His face shine upon you., and be gracious to you. 26. The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace. 

As far as my blog goes my wife Rene is my biggest critic and my biggest supporter. Yesterday, as she commented on my latest morning words of inspiration she said, "how about some word on encouragement tomorrow." My wife doesn't say much and when in a circle of friends she is always the least talkative. But when she speaks, I listen. 

Proverbs 16:24 Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the bones. 

So today I want to be more medical than anything. I want everyone to look in the mirror and do a self examination. Look to see if you still have your mouth. Then open your mouth and try to speak. If words come out of your mouth, you have passed your examination and are declared fit to speak physically. Next look in the mirror and tell yourself that you are loved. If you can do that, you are mentally fit to speak to others. 

You have the equipment to speak. You know how to say something nice. So for today, work at saying affirmative, loving, encouraging and kind words to those in your home, travels and on your heart. If need be, pick up the telephone and exercise your vocal cords by affirming your love for someone. Hand out a compliment. If you decide to (and you should) to reach others with warmth and love today exercise your face as well. SMILE while being nice to others. Now, that mask wearing is becoming less and less, enjoy seeing the faces of others and smile back. Not all that long ago and I am included in this, we whined about not being able to see the full face of the people we were talking to. Now that you have the freedom to see a lot more of those faces, take advantage of it, less it be gone again. 

 I declare this day to be "Say Nice Things To One Another Day" by the authority given to me by the committee of Me, Myself and I. 

So I will start it off by saying you are loved to all of you who faithfully read my jargon, and I ask God to bless you all in a special way.


Friday, March 11, 2022

Placing Blame 3/11/2022

 Good Morning,

Friday arrived right on time and I greeted this morning with gusto. I thoroughly back Friday as the precursor to Saturday and I am good with that all day long. My mug was filled with some hot Door County  Jamaican Blue Mountain Blend Coffee. Talk about gusto. That mug of java is full of it!

Titus:3:10 As for a person who stirs up division, after warning him once, twice, have nothing more to do with them. 

Have you ever been around that one person who is always quick to point out blame for a situation gone bad? They are quick to fire the loaded gun of accountability without thinking it through and without accepting any of the responsibility for the situation. 

We all know that one person and they often sling the gun of blame without seeking to help or to offer good solutions to the problem.

Matthew 12:36 I tell you , on the day of judgement people will give account for every careless word they speak. 

Not much can be done with them and at best I say to avoid them and ignore them unless they offer assistance or a great solution. Tangling with them often causes more issues of which you will be blamed for. They threw you under the bus once, why go back to be run over again? 

Most important to know is this. Do your best to not be like those who feed off of the misery of others. Be quick to love, forgive and assist others. 

Someone else's problems should be an opportunity for you to help, not to sit in judgement or assign blame.

Happy Friday. 


Thursday, March 10, 2022

I'll Be There 3/10/2022

 Good Morning,

The week began with gusto and will go out with gusto. I just poured a hot cup of Door County Mocha Mint Coffee and now it is time to write. 

Ephesians 5;25 Husbands love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.

It was somewhere around 1970 and the Jackson 5 had a hit song called "I'll be there". I wasn't too much of a fan of the Jackson 5. I was born too late to really be a part of the music I loved at that age. I was more of a Doo Wop guy and enjoyed Dion and the Belmonts as well as Connie Francis more than some of the hits coming out at the time. But I had a crush on a young lady and one night while sitting and talking to each other she played "I'll be there" on the record player. 

For some strange reason that song kind of clicked in my head and I at times will find myself humming that tune. I will be forever grateful to the young lady for playing that song. I heard the song once again yesterday and it made me smile. 

Now for the neat thing about this. The same day my wife and I had our first date over a thousand years ago I recall the Jackson 5 playing on the radio when I dropped Rene off and I was driving home. I drove home to 'Ill be there". 

Rene asked me a question not long ago as to when I knew that I was in love with her. I replied boldly, "On the way home, from our first date." I knew I wanted to be there with her and for her. She wasn't my first crush, but she is my last one. Last night she thanked me for taking care of her these last few days as she nurses a very sore arm. I said, "you bet! I'll be there as long as God has me here."

Let me fill your heart with joy and laughter
Togetherness, girl, is all I'm after
Whenever you need me, I'll be there.
I'll be there to protect you 
With unselfish love that respects you
Just call my name and I'll be there 

Kind of  sappy story for today, but I woke up this morning and Rene was on my mind. I told her last night that if she needed me, just call and I'll be there. She is doing much better today and I think she is on the mend. I will never get tired of hearing her call my name. 


Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Never Had The Chance To Say "I Will See You Again" 3/9/2022

 Good Morning,

The day began awhile ago for me and my blog is running late. I poured a mug of Door County Mocha Mint Coffee and now I can write.

Ephesians 4:31-32 Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor, and slander, be out away from you, along with all malice. 

32. Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. 

I don't have much of an excuse for writing later today, except that I wore myself out over the last two days and I am moving slow due to being tired. The other reason for being late is that I have been avoiding this subject that God laid on my heart to write. This one is difficult for me. 

Both of my parents at two different times passed away unexpectedly. In both instances we were only days away from seeing each other. We were to celebrate my mother's birthday with her and she fell ill with a cold and she went septic in three days and died. It was just supposed to be a cold. A few years later we were to go and visit my dad for his birthday. He decided to do some roof repairs and the ladder moved. We still aren't sure exactly how that happened, but Dad fell, landed on his head and died suddenly. 

In both instances we were surprised and shocked at the news. We did not get there to celebrate those birthdays.  We did not know that when we said our last good bye on our last trip for a visit , that it would be the last time. We thought there would be another one.

Why am I writing this? I was in good standing with my parents, and all was good between us. My only regret is that I didn't visit more often. I can't do anything about that now. My goal today is to reach those who for probably good reasons have placed some relationships on hold or have walked away from some, due to emotional pain and sorrow. I can understand that, I guess. They might not be ready to forgive, forget and work things out. Readers, there is nothing worse than waiting on something you can't control. Waiting to forgive and reestablish a relationship is like spinning the wheel on a revolver and placing it to your head and pulling the trigger, hoping that your one chance in six is not a loaded round in the chamber. It is a very dangerous game to wait on working things out. You take for granted that there will be another day. There just might not be. So before you sit at a funeral, angry that the person who died did not reach out to you and angry for yourself for not doing the same, reach out before it is too late. You have no control over God's timing. 

Carrying the burden of a grudge or inability to forgive will hamper other relationships in your life. A regret is something you carry with you to the grave. Live to love. Love to live and Live with no regrets. If you are reading this today and you need to forgive and reestablish, move on it. You never know when the call will come that stops your breath for a couple seconds and life changes in a big way. Worse yet, if it is you who pass away first, the one not forgiven lives with that hurt for the rest of their life. Do you really want to award them a life sentence of guilt? A  sign of maturity is to not carry the burden of grudges. Living with the inability to forgive and carrying a grudge is not living a real life. 

I used to call my dad every day after work. I miss those calls. I find myself wanting to call him every day at 5:pm. We were in a good relationship. If I could go back and place one last call to him before his accident, I would have said. "I love you and stay off of that roof!"

Food for thought. 


Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Fixing Up A Cookie 3/8/2022

 Good Morning,

I am headed out for a long day with a lot of miles to travel. My cup of Door County Highlander Grog Coffee will be my companion for half of the trip. 

Last night I felt like trying my hand at making some cookies. Macadamia nut cookies seemed to be a easy chore while the directions were in the cook book! I wanted to surprise my wife who has been feeling poorly the last couple of days. 

Well those cookies resembled small cow pies and horse apples more than they did a cookie. Two out of 24 turned out good enough to eat. They didn't look the greatest. So I decided to hide a few blemishes by spreading peanut butter over the top of the cookies. Later I took one to Rene with a small glass of milk. I quote "You have to make these again." I said to myself, "Not in a million years". 

I am still not sure if she meant that statement or not. My point for today is this. Not all cookies, even though they look good are tasty and worth eating two. Some are just not that good and frosting (or peanut butter) just disguises a bad cookie. 

Some choices that we have to make come decorated with the frosting of life and although attractive, they are ugly through and through. How do we know a choice is a good one. Simple answer!

Ask for wisdom in making the choice. 

James 5:12 Now if any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. 

Don't get caught with your knickers down while making a decision. Pray and ask God for wisdom and choose wisely. 


Monday, March 7, 2022

The Radio And Me 3/7/2022

Good Morning,

I just poured myself a hot travel mug of Door County Jamaican Blue Mountain Blend Coffee. I feel the need to be warm today and awake. This coffee should do it. 

I am traveling North for work today and have about a two hour trip ahead of me. And let's not forget the return trip. I am not sure what today will bring today, but one thing for sure is this. With my early start and  my desire to be spiritually fed, I will be tuning in my car radio to whatever Christian station I can find that will be featuring some old time radio preachers. I have the need to go old school this morning. 

I will be listening for four hours today and I am sure that I will hear something God wants me to hear and I will be better for having tuned in. I know that whenever those old school guys preach they saturate their messages with Scripture. And that is just what I need. 

Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow, it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. 

My soul will be well fed today. I recommend when having some down time like I will today, everyone can fill the void with some preaching and some Scripture.

God bless.


Sunday, March 6, 2022

More Than I Deserve 3/6/2022

 Good Morning,

Morning has come and it is time to pour a hot mug of Door County Mocha Mint Coffee. The day will be a busy one and I look forward to the challenge. 

I woke up this morning and put my two feet on the floor. Once I established that feat (LOL) I determined that I was not dead. Our two dogs were using my feet as a launch pad for their morning antics so I did some math. 1 I was alive, and I wasn't in hell so I was two for two and thought that it was more than I deserve. I truly believe that.

As a human, I realize that we all sin and there is a price to pay for not living up to what God wants for us.

Romans 6:23 The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Romans 3:23 For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

The first part of Romans 6:23 is really scary and yet never were any words more true than those. We all have sinned. And I am among all. It was God's plan that no one should perish and He offered a solution to our sin debt. 

Ephesians 2:8-9 For by grace you been saved through faith. This is not of your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so no one can boast. 

I certainly could not earn this gift, or be able pay back the heavy price that was paid for by Jesus Christ the day He he was crucified, died, and was buried. In proof of His victory over sin He was resurrected three days later by the Father. I could not do this for myself, nor could anyone else do it for me. 

Every morning I am humbled by the fact that if it weren't for that sacrifice and the grace of God, I could die and spend eternity in hell. 

Acts 4;12 Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men, by which we must be saved. 

Romans 10:13 For "whoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved".

So each day that I wake up, I will remember the One who died for me.

Have a great Sunday.


Saturday, March 5, 2022

Forged In The Fire 3/5/2022

 Good Morning,

I just poured a hot cup of Door County Jamaican Blue Mountain Blend Coffee. The aroma from the brewing coffee woke me up before the alarm kicked off. I am awake now!

One definition of the word forged is this. "Make or shape ( a metal object) by heating it in a fire or furnace."

Isaiah 48:10 Behold, I have refined you, but not as silver; I have tried you in the furnace of affliction. 

As I look back on life and look at where I was when I was in my early twenties and now in the latter half of my sixties I can see some emotional, spiritual, and character growth spurts. As I recalled the times of growth, I also saw that they were often during times of difficulties. 

I asked myself this question. Why did I grow the most during difficult times? The answer was simple. Prior to the difficulties happening, I was self content, self motivated, and did not desire to improve relationships including especially my  relationship with God.  But when difficulties or calamities struck, I went running to God for hope, direction , assurances, and love. You could say that God took my troubles and while in the furnace of the forge, He pounded me into shape, making me useful and stronger to withstand the next calamity. He did his best work on me when I was in the fire of despair. 

Sometimes the forging was painful to the heart and mind, yet when it was finished I was spiritually stronger and emotionally recharged. 

So if you are in that fiery forge and the hammer is coming down on you, let God have His way and let Him do a good work in you. Whatever He hammers out of you is something holding you back in your relationship with Him and others. 

God bless,


Friday, March 4, 2022

21 Years Ago 3/4/2022

 Good Morning,

My cup of Door County Highlander Grog Coffee overflows with good taste, literally! I spilled some coffee this morning and that hot liquid did not exactly tickle my leg. Now with the cup refilled to a level of reason, it is time to write. 

Proverbs 4:2 For I give you good precepts, do not forsake my teaching. 

21 years ago God blessed us with a grandson. From day one, he was a fire ball of energy. He still is the same today as he was many years ago. He goes and goes. I wonder where he get's that from? It certainly isn't me. Truth be known he is just like his mother. She goes and goes and goes. 

I recall a day when my nephew and I were teaching the kid how to shoot. It was a warm day and the idea of some lunch with a cold Coke sounded good. When we took a break for lunch, my grandson was already planning the rest of our day, which did not include any rest. 

Our grandson is still always on the move and is often pulled in a few different directions. But what I am glad to hear is that as he goes and goes, he goes to church. 

If I taught him anything, it is that a man should attend church and be active within it. So we will call him later with our "Happy Birthday" salutation, and my prayer will be that he always makes the roll call on Sundays!  

This should be the prayer of all grandparents and parents. Lead them to God early and often. We are very proud of him. Happy Birthday Grandson. 


Thursday, March 3, 2022

Just A Little Slow Today 3/3/2022

 Good Morning,

I am blessed to have borrowed a coffee grinder so I can grind the beans for a hot cup of Door County Highlander Grog. It worked so well that I might put one on my Christmas list. 

Today is my sister's birthday. This is the second birthday that she is not with us anymore. As a toddler she used to just bother me to no end. Everywhere I went she was bound and determined to go with me. I would purposely walk faster just to make her not want to go with me,. She would say "Mar, you walk too fast for me". Now I wish she were here so we could take a slow long walk together and hear her laugh with her robust gusto. 

Galatians 6:10 So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone. 

If I were to give some advice to all of you today, it would be to slow down and let others be in step with you, especially those children. Believe it or not, your kids and grandkids want to be with you and many times they don't care where you are going. Take them along. Our daughter was just fascinated by a car wash when she was little. I might be going to the store from some milk and she would ask if she could go along. Once in the car she would ask. "My go to the car wash?" She had my and me messed up for about a year. My heart would melt when I would see her asleep in the car seat. A carwash would put that kid to sleep faster than a shot of Nyquil. 

So before you are sitting in front of a computer wishing you hadn't shewed one of those toddlers away, just take them along. It makes for some good memories instead of some bad ones. 


Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Sharing A Cup Of Coffee 3/2/2022

 Good Morning,

It is very quiet in our house this morning.  Both dogs have ben outside. Both were fed and now they are happy, content and curled up on my feet. My feet are the warmest place in the house. 

I poured myself a cup of Door County Lighthouse Blend Coffee a few minutes ago. My wife is not a coffee drinker and I have nowhere that I need to be today. So there in no possibility to share a cup of coffee with someone else and just enjoy some morning banter. 

Leviticus 19:34 You shall treat the stranger who sojourns with you as a native among you, you shall love him as yourself. For you were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am The Lord your God. 

Titus 1:8. Be hospitable, a lover of good, self controlled, upright, holy and self disciplined. 

For years while in the full time work force I would start my day somewhere, or as I liked best, was to start it in my office. I always had a pot of coffee brewing or a Thermos bottle filled with my blend of the day. It was just plain nice to be able to share a cup with another person, say good morning and welcome them in. Many planning sessions took place over a cup of Door County Coffee. 

My work setting has changed and although retired I work part time. My day starts on the road and ends coming home from the road. I do travel with a mug of coffee , but hardly ever do I start my day with handing someone else a cup of morning java.

Friends, this is not a cry from someone who is lonely and in need of a coffee buddy. I am the one who chooses to get up early, work and not have an office anymore. I do miss that first five minutes of work, or those guests that came to the office for something I could do for them. That friendliness of sharing a cup of coffee is what I miss. 

God tells us to be hospitable to people and welcome them into our homes, which also could be our office spaces. I am not advocating for people to be slacking at work, but much more work can be accomplished when your office door is open, you are approachable, and the coffee is a good. 

I wonder what would happen if Russia and Ukraine sat down to start a day with a cup of coffee and were approachable? Even my worst critics were always offered a cup of coffee and a chair. Once we listened to each other we very often found the common ground of agreement. The coffee always tasted better when it was shared.
