Monday, September 20, 2021

Just Luck? Or Was it God? 9/20/21

 Good Morning,

A busy week is in front of me and I look forward to completing it with gusto. I pray this morning for God to lead my path this week and bring it to a successful conclusion. I just poured a hot cup of Door County Pumpkin Spice Coffee and now it is time to write. 

Ecclesiastes 11:5  As you do not know the way the Spirit comes to the bones in the womb of a woman with child, so you do not know the work of God who makes everything. 

Last Saturday night was just like most Saturdays. At 5:00pm we were in church and I was to deliver a message like most of my Saturdays. Nothing out of the ordinary took place. Our plan was to return home after church and and fire up the new grill and cook a couple of hamburgers. As my wife Rene and I were walking to our car after the service and our usual few minutes chatting with friends I said to her, "For some reason I don't want to go home and cook" I thought some laziness had crept in as my desire to cook was gone, completely gone. Rene responded with " then let's not go home.. I asked her where she would like to go for a bite to eat and she mentioned one place that we are fond of and I agreed that it sounded good.

Surprise #1 We went in and one of the servers was a young lady that always takes great care of us. The surprise was this. She had just moved away for college and we thought we wouldn't see her working there. But, because of needing a little cash and some normalcy, she came home for the weekend and was able to work. The surprise was a blessing to us. 

Surprise #2 We were just about finished with our dinner when a lady and her family walked in. We both had worked with her at the medical center and her husband used to repair our cars. She stopped to talk and share pleasantries. That exchange was very nice. But during the chat she told us that they had just finished placing her husband in hospice care. Rene and I both looked at each other and I said " we weren't supposed to be here, according to plans made earlier." We told our friend that same thing. She explained to us that this stop was not their first choice. They had first gone to a different restaurant and it was too crowded and they needed a quieter place. So here we were. I asked her f there was anything we could do for her and she said they needed prayer. We agreed to pray for her. But there was more. I said. "Lets pray now." We joined hands in the restaurant and prayed. As of the time of this writing, my friend's husband has passed away. God knew the urgency for our meeting. 

Now was that what some would say "Good Luck"? I say no! I believe God arranged both meetings to bless those we would see and for us to see Him at work. He invited us to join in. I don't care what some people might have thought about us stopping to pray at our table with a dear friend. God put us in the right spot at the right time. God always knows where He wants us and knows what will happen when we are there. 

He arranged the two meetings and we saw Him work out the details and He filled them in later. Oh. By the way, I had prayed in the morning for God to author our day, I believe He did. 


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