Thursday, September 23, 2021

Glad To Know Some Experts 9/23/2021

 Good Morning,

In a few more minutes my pot of Door County Wisconsin Harvest Blend Coffee will be finished brewing and I will be smiling. I looked over the top of my glasses and I see Friday coming in like a locomotive.

Galatians 6:7 Do not be deceived, God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, he will also reap.

Last night I had a question about health issues and even though I worked in healthcare for 36 years what I know about medicine can be written on the head of a pin. I had my role and my expertise and others had their roles and were experts in their field. Google wasn't too much help and just left me with more questions. I had been praying about finding a path of help. After more prayer an answer popped into my head and of course "I knew a guy who could send me in the right direction". I worked with this lad for a few years and always found him to be  a man of integrity, and a guy you could count on. I placed a call to him and he listened to my concerns and then communicated a good plan of direction to follow. He volunteered to do some leg work on the solution and for that I am extremely grateful.

My point of the day is this. When someone calls you at 8pm looking for advice, are you one who listens and even offers to help? Can you be counted on by friends or work mates to use your expertise to assist others? I am blessed to have met many people who are always there when you need them. I do believe you reap what you sow. We might not be able to repay the kindness, but we might be able to extend kindness to someone else. Are you that kind of friend? 

What a blessing you might be to someone else! 

God bless,


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