Tuesday, September 28, 2021

A Path Worth Finding 9/28/2021

 Good Morning,

This day has begun and I am striding with it hoping to keep up with the schedule it las laid out for me. A hot cup of Door County Highlander Grog Coffee is at my side. It is time to write. 

I see way too many people these days who seem to be wandering in life. They are the ones usually looking for shortcuts to success and hop from idea to idea, searching for a plan for their life. Contentment is not going to be found in wandering, from idea to idea and not sticking it out when wishes do not become reality.

The first mistake and an important step into finding your calling or purpose in life, is to be humble. Humility is a virtue, not a weakness. One must acknowledge that they don't know everything. Once that is done, God becomes bigger in their life and they become smaller. Trying to run your own life leads to making mistakes in their choices and then running on to the next quick option or returning to an old option, still not knowing which one is the correct path. This leads to jumping when you should stay put, or staying where you don't belong. 

Once we allow God to direct our path we learn not to place our trust in ourselves but to lean on Him to direct us. This makes for less ulcers and less sleepless nights. 

Until that is done, the worrying, wandering and quick success schemes will keep pulling us away from God's directions for us and contentment will never be found. 

This takes trust, and many people would rather trust in their own minds than to place trust in God. God does not always reveal His plan fully to us. He sometimes will ask us to just trust Him as He reveals the answers a little at a time. Unfortunately, in these days of hurry and bustle we want the answers and we want them now. Patience is a word that is not found in many vocabularies .

My advice today, if you are wandering like a ship without a rudder and being anchored seems impossible, follow the instructions given in this Scripture passage. 

Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths.

Food for the wandering soul!


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