Friday, July 3, 2020

When The Kids Become The Sharks 7/3/2020

Good Morning,

I am not sure how the tradition started and I am not one to go with silly made up holidays but I kind of like the idea of "Christmas In July".  I am not seeing as much of the hoopla and thoughts on Christmas in July this year. I believe Covid 19  screwed that up too. But, I will use any excuse to break out some Door County Coffee Christmas flavors and treat my taste buds to a holiday delight. I just finished brewing some Mistletoe Mocha coffee and now it is time to write.

Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go, and when his is old he shall not depart from it. 

I am an old guy now and I am considered old school in my thoughts and beliefs. And if you call me old school I will consider it a compliment even though you didn't mean it that way. I am watching parents these days "cater" to their kids. Now I am all for loving children, feeding them, clothing them, and teaching them right from wrong. The subject of right from wrong has new loose interpretations which we will discuss later this month. We are to support our children in their endeavors and be there when they fall spiritually, emotionally and physically.

Now days most children have their law degree by the age of ten. They can debate, argue and manipulate adults like a slick city lawyer.  Many meals are created around the wants and desires of the kids. This often leads to multiple meals being made adding to the stress of the one preparing the meals. Try having the kid make the meal and then tell them at the dinner table it's not what you wanted. Oh man another trip to therapy! How about the fact that they now tell you how many extra events they want to participate in, at or away from school. Try saying no and see what response you get. The lawyer comes out and you have to justify yourself to the child who lucky for you knows everything. You don't even need a computer or Google. You have God's gift of knowledge right in front of you. Just ask the kid. They will tell you,"You don't understand". I can't even fathom telling my parents to make us kids two different dinners or saying " I am not going to eat that". Better yet, I want us to go to a different church or school.

Let me clear this one up for you. Dad or mom, depending on the make up of the home. But let's just for this moment say there are two parents. In some instances four. The hardship of single parenting and dual parenting is tough. But anyway, Dad or the responsible adult is the Spiritual leader of the home. Since when do the kids decide if, where and when they attend church? Who is the adult in the mix. Oh yes the kids will manipulate, whine, they might even disown you. I would disown you too. You didn't take a stand! They don't know where you stand. You have no back bone. I don't blame them for disowning you. They aren't following, they are leading you.  Oh that's right. I forgot. They know everything! Friends, when the children lead the house, whether it's food choices, when to wear make up, when to date, what school they will attend, or where the family worships, the little sharks have your boat surrounded and they will sink their ship as well as yours. Parents, you can't be counted on in their minds already. Enforcing some rules in your minds might make you "lose your kids". I suggest you already lost them and are nothing but their puppets.

This is a hard ship to steer and needs to start when they are very little. Remember they are already in law school the first time they tell you no. But if they can't count on you to take a stand and hold it, they already lost their respect for you.

Enough said. The world want's to educate your kids spiritually. God tells us that we are in charge. Lead my friends or let the kids lead. Oh I forgot again, they know everything. And God must not know anything either. Just ignore it when He says to "raise the children".


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