Saturday, July 11, 2020

It Just Isn't The Same 7/11/2020

Good Morning,

Today I am writing with a cup of Door County Highlander Grog entertaining my taste buds. My wife Rene and I are actually visiting Door County this weekend. Thanks to our neighbors and our good friend Amanda, our home has a sitter and our older dog has a companion to spoil him. The younger dog is away at hunting camp for ten days.

Jeremiah 29:12 Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, And I will hear you.

Photo Credit Wikipedia

Rene and I arrived in Door County early yesterday afternoon and the first thing we did was to go to the emporium that makes the fresh cherry donuts for our fist treat.  As is usual the place had many cars in the parking lot. But what was different was that everyone had to wear a mask just to enter the business. This is because of the Covid 19 pandemic. I understand the need for the masks and I totally support the Public Health Department mandates. Rene and I conform and try not to be disobedient.

So we entered and despite the mask covering my nose I found my way to the donuts that were just coming out of the fryer. Like a hunting dog, I followed the scent right to the main attraction. This store also sells many other goodies like pickled beets, pickles, mustard, salsa, cherries, pies and a whole host of jams and jellies. Before the pandemic you could walk through and sample all of the goods on a cracker or a tortilla chip. Now you can't. I would arrive with a nice clean shirt and leave with a spotted up one. Rene said she could always tell what I sampled by just looking at what I spilled on my shirt. But now you can't get a "free lunch".

We hit a few more specialty shops and it was the same. The sign outside said "Masks to be worn inside"  Although we enjoyed ourselves greatly, it just wasn't the same. The masks are for our own good and for the good of others, so you just need to do it and you can still enjoy yourself. But it wasn't the same! People seemed to be on edge a little, wondering if they should have just stayed home instead. I know we both talked about it. But even that wasn't what bothered me. It is good to be here and see Lake Michigan at it's best. But what is missing are the smiles behind the masks. The ability to greet someone with a smile and say thank you with a smile is gone. That's what was missing all day. I miss the greetings and all those beautiful smiles. My prayer is that some day we can return to living without masks and smiling like we used to. A smile seals a deal!

Love to all. Be safe and pray.


1 comment:

  1. Marty, After being in the masks for several weeks, I have found that you can see the smiles in peoples eyes.
