Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Shooting Straight 7/15/2020

Good Morning,

Some hot weather is headed our way today and I have a full day of work ahead of me. I like being busy and it keeps me sleeping well. I just poured a cup of Door County Cherry Creme Coffee and now it is time to write.

1 Timothy 2:8 Therefore  I want the men everywhere to pray, lifting up holy hands without wrath and dissension. 

Today my brother's oldest son is celebrating a birthday.  When Nick was very young, hunting was ingrained into his DNA. From about 4 years old right up to this very day he has been a hunting partner to me. I recall him wanting to blow my duck calls and what came out of the four year old one day in a swamp sounded like a Kazoo band on steroids. It was that same day that we discovered hanging duck calls for a man should not be worn by a miniature four year old. The hanging calls are right in the pee zone of the tyke and that my friends is not good. But he now calls ducks and geese with the best of them.

I knew the day would come when the little guy would ask me when he could try shooting. When he was  five years old I would have him stand next to me while I sat on a pail and he and I would both hold the 12 gauge and he would rap off a couple of rounds.

Then as age permitted it was time for Nick to try shooting trap. At first he wasn't in tune with clay pigeons, and swinging the shot gun. But with lots of practice Nick has developed into a steady shot and can shoot with the best of them. Although, it is nice when us old guys are lucky enough to humble him once in awhile. But those days are getting sparse.

The lesson here has to do more with life. I said Nick was a good shot with a gun. But he is also one of the hardest working guys I know. Besides that, his yes is a yes and his no is a no. He can be counted on to be a "square shooter of a man," He is quick to help others and encourage those down on their luck.  He is a man of prayer. He often requests prayer for others and is quick to pray for me when I ask him to. I guess, of all the things he learned from me and a few ancestors I am most proud to say Nick prays. How about you friend? What is your legacy?


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