Thursday, July 16, 2020

What We Have Is Enough 7/16/2020

Good Morning,

The weather cooled off enough to be able to open some windows and bring in some fresh air. I found my way to the kitchen by way of the aroma coming from the pot brewing some Door County Cherry Creme Coffee. I have one dog asleep on my feet and it is time to write.

Philippians 4: 11-12 I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances I have. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty.

Just think about it for a minute. If you are my age which is 63 and I compare what it was like 50 years ago to what it is like now, it just blows my mind. There are just so many more things to have. My mother in law is 93 and she talks about the differences in life from 80 years ago and it is just amazing as to how technology and "Things: have developed.  Cell phones, tablets, iPods, online shopping. The world it could be said, is at our fingertips. It would be easy to become discontent with our lives.

I am going to blow away some pastors right now with a statement or two here and I hope you will hang with me as I finish this thought. Early Christians experienced great growth personally as well as enlarging the churches without technology.  Many of these experiencing growth were persecuted, murdered, hunted down, and even forbidden to gather. They didn't have luxurious buildings with cushy seats. They couldn't sit back in their recliner and tune in the church service on their phone, television or computer.  How could that be, that they grew?

Yet Christianity today with all of it's bells and whistles seems to be slowing down and not growing as it could or should. People still church hop and now it is easier because they don't have to get into their cars or walk to church. We forget that the strength it takes to turn on the computer or even our next breath is given to us by God. We forget God's plan of perfect grace and mercy through Jesus Christ  is never to be taken for granted and should be our prize possession. We should be growing in numbers and in faith. The difference from then to now is this. They only had the Gospel message of Jesus Christ. Some had spent time with him personally. They were alive and filled with the Holy Spirit. That was enough for them. We have grown discontent and want more feelings and emotional experiences and we think it will help us grow spiritually if have louder music, dine in seating, fresh coffee, and London type fog with laser light displays.

Funny thing, is this. If God is the One who gives me my next breath and He is the One, really all I need is Him, His Word and His Spirit. I should be content!

Food for thought.



  1. I for one desire a quiet message from GODs word without thedistraction.

  2. Yes so true. Sometimes we need to pray in the Holy Spirit into our church or ministry, then God shows up.
