Monday, July 13, 2020

Coming Home 7/13/2020

Good Morning,

My day began with some quiet prayers for several of my friends who are ill. Some have been on my prayer list for a long time. The mug sitting next to me contains some very hot Door County Cinnamon Hazelnut Coffee.

1 Corinthians 13:13 So now, faith hope and love abide, but the greatest of these is love.

Yesterday afternoon Rene and I returned home from a short visit to Door County Wisconsin. It was a relaxing time and I for one could have used another day there. No complaints here. Our house was being watched by a friend who also had the task of keeping our oldest dog Gibbs company. The youngest one, Leo is away for two weeks at dog hunting camp learning some of the fine points of his heritage.

When we pulled into home our house sitter had already left for her home and went to prepare herself for the work week. Our home and dog were in good hands. The first thing I did after I parked the car was to open the door to the house. 39 pounds of furry excitement met us at the door and came spinning, dancing and jumping around to greet us. Gibbs was excited to see us. Although he was well taken care of and well nurtured, in his mind and ours there is no one like family. Having us come through the door made his day. A greeting like that made our day too.

The thought of the day is this. When was the last time that you greeted someone in your circle of family or friends with such exuberance that they knew that your heart was spinning, dancing, and jumping around because you were excited just to see them and welcome them into your day?

That's called love!

Think about it for awhile and see if we can't learn a lesson from the dog. Let people know how much they mean to you. You have it within you to do so. So do it.

God bless,


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