Saturday, July 4, 2020

Demonstrators On The Fourth Of July 7/4/2020

Good Morning,

I just came in from being outside with our two dogs and a cup of Door County Inn Keepers Blend Coffee. It is time to write.

Psalm 33:12 Blessed is the nation whose God is the is the Lord.

While I was outside I was placing more United States Flags on our property to celebrate our Independence Day ( July 4th).  We fly a large flag year round but on this day I place several more flags in the flower garden to show my love for my country.

There has been a lot of civil unrest in the nation which I  believe will bring some needed change. There have been marches and demonstrations across the nation and the world in the last month. Some of which have turned ugly and violent. I do not support that tone of making a point at all.

But long before this started there are what I would call demonstrations and marches going on to celebrate being a free nation and the fact that we can march down a street. They were very well organized, legal, and drew a lot of attention. The American flag was shown and led the way as the marchers made their way through, what was usually main street.

My Dad was one who marched every year and did so right up until he died. He stood proud for the flag and what it stands for. He was willing to go to war to keep our freedom and help others who could not be free. He marched with dignity and respect, showing his love for his country. 

So demonstrations of solidarity for peace, liberty and the pursuit of happiness have long been a part of this country. Dad I salute you and the flag you would have died for.

God Bless America. My Home Sweet Home.


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