Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Pick Up After Yourself 7/28/2020

Good Morning,

The day started with prayer and a hot cup of Door County Raspberry Almond Coffee. I haven't had that flavor embrace my taste buds in a long time.

We have two pretty good hunting dogs and at times they can be great hunting dogs. Each of them has their own personality and they do things just a little differently.

Proverbs 28:13 Whoever conceals his transgressions will not prosper. But he who confesses them will find mercy.

The youngest one however has the habit of taking his food dish into his mouth and then he brings it to you when he is done eating. We aren't sure if he just wants you to take the dish so he doesn't lose it, wants a refill, or is just a clean freak. He sits with the dish in his mouth until you thank him for bringing it to you. I then take it from him and he trots away very happy.

Once a week I give both dogs an egg, scrambled or fried and place each egg portion on a plate, We have two old plates we use for this. The plates go on the floor with the eggs. Both dogs chow down and then the older one walks away when he is finished. The younger one picks up both plates and brings them to me. Mind you, no one ever tells him to do this. We thank him and praise him and then he goes on to something else.

Now here is the point of the day. If a dog can do this out of the goodness of his heart can't we also learn to pick up after ourselves and leave a room as good as we found it or even better? We often assume someone else will pick up after us.

This gets deeper. Sometimes we make a mess of life with other people and the mess is our fault. We wait and hope the mess will clean itself up and just go away. We own the mess. It is ours. Shouldn't we want to clean it up and rectify the situation? The first step is to own it and the next step is to do what it takes to fix it. Whether it is in an apology or making financial restitution for damage done.. We need to be people that learn to pick up after ourselves.

Food for thought.


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